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"wang, i think it's best if you left us alone to talk."

"i'm not leaving this house because i don't trust hoseok alone with you again."

jackson puffed his chest, and continued,

"i'll be in the living room." he said, flopping onto the black leather couch, crossing his legs elegantly.

namjoon rolled his eyes, and steered hoseok upstairs. they stopped at the corridor connecting all of the members' rooms. not wasting any time, namjoon dragged hoseok into his room and sat him on his office rolling chair.

hoseok gulped slightly. he wasn't used to be alone with any of his members for so long, and the feeling was stressing him out.


"y...yes?" the ravenette asked, sitting upright in his seat, eyes widening slightly. this, of course went unnoticed by namjoon. sighing, he grabbed hoseok's wrist firmly.

"w...what are you doing..."

"look hoseok, i'm not gonna hurt you. i genuinely want to talk."

"well then you could very much just talk to yoongi or jimin, why me?"

"because..." the mint haired rapper trailed off, thinking hard of a valid reason to talk to the ravenette dancer. there really was no particular reason, he just wanted to talk to hoseok.

"i...you'll just have to trust me for this one." he said boldly, yet timidly.

"a...and why should i? how do i know if you won't throw it away like it's shit again?" hoseok said, his voice slowly gaining its composure.

namjoon sighed, rubbing his temples in circular motions. he should've know this was going to happen. after all these years, hoseok wouldn't even dare bestow his trust upon them again. to be honest, he would've done the same if he was in his shoes. so why did his heart clench with a pang of bitterness and hurt?

"i want to know what's going on." he tried again.

"ask jimin or seokjin. i'm in no place to tell you about this." he said, slowly standing up from his seat.

"hope-ah wait!"

he halted. lips trembling, he smiled grimly.

"i'm not your hope." was the last thing namjoon heard from the ravenette before he quietly made his way to his room.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

yoongi kicked the door, closing it messily with his foot, his face having an unusual paler glow.

why would taehyung defend that monster? was jungkook hiding his abuse to hoseok from the poor boy? how many other facades did the innocent, pure-hearted golden maknae have? tugging at his dyed locks harshly, he let out a frustrated cry.

"i can't believe that i was so ignorant and full of myself," he whispered brokenly, "to have not realised the pain my hoseok had been going through." he finished, regret and shame reflecting painfully through his dark orbs.

[yeah i'm just gonna keep this angsty(?) chap short i'm really sorry i'm trying to develop the plot better i promise]

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