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❝only did i notice my wounds when i saw my own blood.❞

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"yoongi?" namjoon inquired softly, knocking repeatedly on the door of said rapper's room.

no response.

"if you wanna give me the cold shoulder that's up to you, but just know that we're flying 3 days later instead of tomorrow."

yoongi laid on his bed quietly, listening to the younger mumble outside.

a sigh was heard, then the baritone voice continued softly.

"y'know, jimin really cares about you, he even cares more about you than he does about himself."

the now grey haired yoongi listened on.

"try to show him a bit more affection, will ya?"


then no more sounds were heard.

yoongi walked to the door, and whispered, "i know...and i'm sorry i can't do the same to jimin."

a great sigh escaped from the grey haired male's lips.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"so," yeonjun began, ruffling his bangs, "are you really fine on your own?"

the ravenette chuckled.

"silly, of course i'll be"

the younger gave him a skeptical look and replied, "are you sure?"


"eh, fair enough." the duo continued to walk in silence, yeonjun intertwining hoseok's bony fingers with his.

as they turned around a skate park, hoseok felt his phone buzz. he read it, it was from yoongi. just as he was about to reply to him, his fingers suddenly had a mind of their own and closed his phone for him, and put it securely back into the back pocket of his grey skinny jeans.

what did i just do? hoseok thought, waves of guilt lapping at his consciousness.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"well it's your stop. bye hyung."

yeonjun walked away from the gravel path leading to the front door of the bts dorm, returning to his own dorm, the txt dorm, which was a couple blocks away from the bts dorm.

hoseok did not walk inside. instead, he ran back to in the opposite direction. he ran towards the skate park. standing in front of the entrance, he took a deep breath.

the gentle night breeze swept past hoseok, softly blowing their bangs, and was gone within a flash. the wind was whistling quietly in his ears again, a hushed tune gushing in and out of the ravenette's ears. he closed his eyes, and hummed quietly to the gushing sounds, a wave of tranquility taking over him. his senses went numb, and his mind was blank. he let his thoughts wander freely, relaxing his tired self. something he haven't done for a long time.

"hoseok. what are you doing?" a small voice in his head rang.

"i dunno."

"then why are you doing it?" the small yet powerful voice asked again.

"'cause it feels right."

"so? you have to do what is right, not what feels right. what is right though, is getting inside the house, and apologise to your bandmates that you were out late at night."


hoseok widened his eyes in shock.

"what do you mean no? are you disobeying me?"

"i do what i want. i'm not a robot! i'm a human, of flesh and bone, and of sentiments!"

"how dare you raise your voice against me! i am your consciousness! i am doing this for you own good! i don't want you to be hurt! do you understand!"

hoseok chuckled darkly, and whispered, "how can you protect me...if i'm already hurt?"

then everything faded to black.

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the grey haired rapper paced around his studio worriedly.

"where are you seok-ah..." he muttered, his phone clutched tightly in his hands.

just as he was about to climb out the window to search for the ravenette, the door creaked open, and a certain pink haired male strutted in.

"what's wrong baby?" the younger asked, intertwining the rapper's fingers with his own.

"nothing, now don't you have to record the new title track tomorrow? you should go get some sleep." yoongi weakly smiled, steering jimin out from his studio and steering him towards their shared bedroom.

"okie then, g'night yoonie-ah! i love you~" the pink haired male cooed at the rapper, earning a weak response, a quick peck in the cheek and a gummy smile.

the grey haired male locked the door to his room, and jumped out of the window with great effort.

[i'm sorry for changing yoongi's hair colour so randomly i just love it so much lmaoo]

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