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"are you sure you'll be fine?"

huh. deja vú.

hoseok made no response.

"i think we should accompany him. for the day, at least." soobin stated.

"sounds good to me, but i have to go to the radio station at 7:30..." renjun pouted, the ash brown haired idol running his fingers through his darkening roots, his hair now styled into a mullet.

"that's fine. i can call beomgyu over, since he's free after 5."

hoseok smiled shyly, tugging at the grey hoodie he wore.

"alright, let's go in, i wanna see for myself how big of a bitch these sunbaenims are."

yoongi had wasted no time sprinting to the nct dorm, earning questionable glances from a lot of his members.

"good morning yoongi hyung."

the grey haired boy stopped.

how dare he still call me that.

"good morning to you too...gguk." he spat, not in the mood to deal with the maknae since he was about to have a breakdown.

"what's wrong, hyung?" the brunette pouted, his doe-like eyes widened so exaggeratingly yoongi wanted to roll his eyes and flick him. and not in the affectionate way.

"just...leave me alone. i don't wanna look at your face."

he said, barging out the door, not looking back.

yoongi ran, not caring how broken or pathetic he looked. he just needed to run.

run. run. run.

why am i not moving? come on, move! come on min yoongi!



he opened his eyes. three figures towering him, staring intensely.


"is that...yoongi hyung?"

"hobi hyung what's going on?"

two teenagers pulled him to his feet. soobin.

was i on the ground just now?

"yong...yong..." the eldest mumbled, trying to sprint away from the firm grasps on him.

"woah calm down big guy, what's the problem?"


"sorry hyung."

"w...who are you?" yoongi stuttered, pointing his finger at the stranger who was now standing next to soobin, his hands fixing the drawstrings on his black hoodie. his lengthy bangs covered his eyes, his dark roots peeking out of his scalp.

the shorter let go of the drawstrings, and swept his ashy bangs sideways, revealing his contacted eyes.

"i'm huang renjun but unless you're chinese you can just call me injun. it's a direct translation of my chinese name." [which btw is pronounced huáng rénjùn and 黃仁俊 in kanji if you're interested in gaining trivial mandarin knowledge]

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