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❝stop throwing me around.❞

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yoongi heard it. he heard the loud, threatening roars booming from the maknae's room. without hesitation, he slammed the door open, the brunette staring at yoongi with a stare that sent chills down the grey haired male's spine.

"what do you want su-" jungkook began, but was interrupted by yoongi slapping him. hard.

"what the fuck was that for?"

"you asshole. you're threatening jackson to give seokie back."

the younger merely smirked, walking towards the elder like a predator about to pounce.

"i admit that i did such thing. but so what? jung hoseok's too weak to even stop me."


"you're fucking crazy!"

"if anything, i'd say you're the crazy one, hyung."

another slap.

"why? why, kook?" tears were streaming down yoongi's face, as he hissed like a hurt kitten.

"why? just because, hyung. there's no specific reason."

punch. another punch. a third punch.

"what's going on?" the now blue haired taehyung stepped into the room, scanning a sobbing yoongi and a bleeding jungkook who was smirking.

"yoongi hyung i thought you were a gentleman! why are you hitting kookie?" the vocalist rushed to help bandage the maknae, but not before jungkook mouthing 'you lose' to the grey haired male.

the door slammed loudly.

"fuck you, jeon jungkook."

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"jackson, i think i need to go back." the dancer said, lifting himself off the grey couch of the got7 dorm.

"why? didn't you promise me to stay?" the rapper rested his palms onto hoseok's shoulder, and frowned.

he shook off the welcoming pair of hands, and stared back at jackson.

"i have this feeling, that something's really off..."

"fine, but i'm going with ya," he grabbed hoseok again, "i'm not leaving you alone."

the corners of hoseok's mouth slightly curved upwards as they made their way to the back door.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

namjoon hopped onto the taxi that had opened its doors for him.

"where to?"

"oh uh, jyp entertainment dorms."

"sir, that's a restricted area. only registered cars are allowed to enter, and by registered they mean cars of employees and the artists."

"oh okay then, never mind, sorry for bothering." 

the mint haired rapper got off the taxi, successfully dodging the guards, sprinting towards the got7 dorm.

he knocked rapidly on the door, hoping for a response.

the door creaked open, and a tall ravenette stuck his head out timidly.


"namjoon hyung."

the ravenette leaned in for a hug, which namjoon returned instantly.

"come inside."

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"so hyung-nim, what brings you here on this fateful day?" the younger joked, but soon was replaced with a worried frown as he saw the evident sorrow and worry on the elder's face.

"namjoonie ah what's wrong" 

"tell me everything."

"e...everything about what?"

"hoseok. jung hoseok. where is he now?"

"he...um i think jackson took him back to the bts dorm, why?"

"uh... nothing." the rapper replied.

"o...kay?" to namjoon's surprise, yugyeom continued, "i think if you really want to know about hoseokie, you could go and ask jackson." 

jackson. that's right. namjoon's face lit up in excitement. he could go to jackson.

but wait. if he went to chase after jackson, that meant he would have to face hoseok as well. he really didn't want to talk about those stuff in front of him, the poor boy's extremely fragile.

ah fuck it. he had to face it if he wanted to get to the bottom of the problem anyway.

with a quick farewell to yugyeom, namjoon started to run in the direction of the dorm.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

hand in hand, hoseok and jackson arrived at the bts dorm.

"wait a minute, i'll unlock it..." the ravenette mumbled, checking his pockets, looking for his keys.

as he was fumbling with his keys, he heard them drop onto the ground directly behind him. he bended down to pick them up. just as he lifted his head, the sight of namjoon sprinting straight at him from the distance flashed before his very eyes. jackson swore that he saw a glimpse of shock on his face before the ravenette backed away in fright, yelping and whimpering quietly, holding onto said blonde tightly.

"hoseok-ah we really need to talk!" 

"s...stay away from m...me!" hoseok cowered in fear. the blonde, sensing his fears, stepped in front of him and spread his arms around him, as if warding off the evil.

"jackson, move over."

"no. how about you wait till he's calmed down, then you talk." the blonde responded, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

[i love this jackson teehee ;) also sorry for this shitty chapter i was really busy with school and life but i'll try to update as much as i can!!]

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