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why won't you just leave me alone?
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"what do you mean where is j-hope? i'm not hitman bang, j...jungkook." jackson replied, trying to sound calm, but failing miserably at the end.

"ha, nice try, mister wang." the younger's voice dropped drastically.

"now...tell me where is hoseok." he continued, the tone menacing and dangerous.

the blonde gulped. he was frightened. of course he knew about the maknae being possessive, it was really obvious and namjoon would often complain about jungkook to him, but he never expected him to be that possessive.

"jungkook-ah, i really don't know where he is. try calling your manager or namjoon." with that, he hung up.

"what's wrong jackson-ah" was what the ravenette said after he returned to the living room.

"nothing is wrong hyung"

hoseok frowned.

"y'know, i'm not a baby, jackson. you can tell me anything."

the blonde stayed put, limbs stiff, keeping a firm stare at the white flooring.

"aish...jackson wang." the blonde perked his head up, then lowered it again.

the dancer lifted his chin, and cupped his cheeks.

"just tell me, i'd understand, no matter what it is." he said, giving the blonde a sympathetic look.


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yoongi opened his eyes. he immediately remembered what happened last night and sprinted to a certain ravenette's room. empty.


"whoa yoongi slow your roll" seokjin commented, munching on his pancake.

"yoonie! did you sleep well? you came home really late yesterday..." jimin rushed to help the elder. yoongi took note that his hair had changed colour from its pastel pink to a flaming orange.

"by the way, i didn't know you knew taeyong." namjoon mumbled, the mint haired male scratching his neck. oh so everyone's changing hair colours now apparently, the grey haired rapper commented mentally.

"we were friends before he debuted, just never told you guys." he replied bluntly.

"okay grandpa" taehyung joked. yoongi huffed and plopped onto one of the large chairs, his feet slightly dangling.

"but seriously guys have you seen 'seok?" everyone's faces turned expressionless upon hearing the name.


"nuh uh."

"i don't know, the weirdo hasn't returned since last night. or was it last last night?" jimin ruffled his hair, pretending to think. "i don't quite remember. my memory is reserved for meaningful stuff only" the orange haired male giggled playfully, almost drunkenly.


a sudden coughing fit erupted in the spacious dining room.

everyone stared at the maknae who was choking on his cereal.

"kook-ah are you okay?"

"jesus christ jungkook eat slower!"

yoongi sighed as he watched everyone baby the brunette.

"hyungs i...i'm fine... but i need some rest..." jungkook spluttered, making a b-line to his room.

"aish i'm leaving him alone... what were you saying just now yoongi?" seokjin asked.

"oh... uh... nothing. let's eat." the grey haired boy mumbled quietly, chewing at his pancakes.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

jungkook ran to his room. he, of course heard what his hyung had said, and he was worried. not for hoseok's wellbeing, but for fear that the ravenette would spread the news of his abusive behaviour to others. the amount of damage it would do to his reputation was fatal, and he would be in deep trouble.

with a ragged breath, he dialed a number on his phone.


"where the fuck is j-hope?" he roared.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"he was looking for me?" hoseok said, after jackson had calmed down and told the ravenette the entire story.

"i don't know hoseokie but jungkook sound really furious."

hoseok nodded, signalling for the blonde to continue.

"i don't think it's safe for you to return to your dorm, y'know, with jungkook being a literal rage monster."

"but...they'd be worried."

"can't you see hyung?" jackson was now teary eyed, tears threatening to fall as he took in the broken and denial state of his dearest friend.

"they don't care about you! all they are doing, is stealing your music and psychologically torment you!"

jackson was shaking hoseok's shoulder, tears falling freely on his face. the blonde wiped them off his face with his balled fist in one swift motion, and continued,

"hyung. please stay with me for a while. you're going to be safe here, i promise."

"fine. i accept your promise." the dancer said softly, running his fingers through the sobbing younger's blonde locks.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"hi it's hoseok, sorry i can't pick up, just leave your messgae real quick and i'll respond asap" the rapper's cheerful voice rang in namjoon's ears.

the mint haired boy hung up, but soon dialed another number.


"hi...long time no see, yugyeom."


[ooh why's namjoon calling hoseok and yugyeom👀]

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