Chapter 3

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Marinette sighed a little. It was Saturday already, which meant they had a long day to make some homework on what the teachers had sent them.

During those days, they had tried in some empty places to use their phones to call their parents again, at least put them at ease that they were alright... But phones didn't work in this school and there was no way to charge the battery again, so most of the students had stopped trying to do it and have tried to save some battery and only used them in turns for the alarm clock, since it was the only thing that seemed to be working together with the camera.

And here they were, some of the students in the library while others were in the yard or in their common rooms making their new homework.

Marinette and Alya had already finished their work on history and they had started with one of their respective optative subjects: Alya had selected Ancient Runes and Marinette had chosen Arithmancy.

"I think I'm going to leave this here." Marinette announced in a low voice to her friend "I don't have this Arithmancy until next Wednesday and I have yet to finish the pepperup potion for Monday."

"So you leave me here alone to suffer with this language." Alya huffed.

"You'll survive, Alya. You're smart" Marinette smiled at her gleefully.

"You could take Adrien with you" Nino mentioned, raising his head "He has already finished with his tasks on these subjects and is on the same page."

"I told you, Nino... I'm bad at chemistry. Imagine with this potions. With my luck, who knows what'll happen." Adrien intervened, crossing his arms, leaning against the chair a little.

"Dude, you'll have to do it one day and maybe between two persons, you'll come with some solution" Nino shrugged.

"With my clumsiness?" Marinette raised an eyebrow.

"You'll do fine, girl. Now, go out you two, you're distracting my boyfriend and I from our homework and unless you're staying to help..."

"Fine, fine." Marinette raised her hands, took her things and looked briefly to Adrien, who sighed and got up, things in hand.

They both got out of the library and went upstairs towards their common room. Once inside, they both went to their respective stairs and went with the ingredients and the Potions book in their hands.

"I'm not really a fan of chemistry" Marinette sighed to herself.

"Yeah, me neither" Adrien said behind her with a little smile and winked at her.

Marinette's heart pounded against her chest with full force and she had to sit in the ground before her legs would give out. She cleared her throat, trying to concentrate herself.

"So... Pepperup potion..." Balm, ginger, nettles... Yeah, everything in place to make the damn potion.

"Do you think they will kill us or punish us too badly if we destroy the common room with my luck and your clumsiness?" Adrien attempted to joke, gathering his ingredients and tools next to her.

"I would totally not find out prefer to, I mean, I would not pefer to find not out, damn..." Marinette babbled.

Adrien laughed, relaxing, and put his hand in her shoulder "It's okay, Marinette. I understood what you mean. I guess we should probably try to make it as good as possible."

Marinette didn't trust her voice at all so she just nodded her head and looked towards her book.

Though for a few minutes, in which they both struggled with the instructions, Marinette thought that she would have problems in doing the potion right, she was able to relax in the end and to do it naturally with ease.

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