Chapter 14

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It had passed a week, and still, Adrien was thinking about his father's offer. He felt awful not telling Marinette that he had encountered his father that day, but he didn't want to worry her and... He didn't want to tell her that he was seriously thinking about it. After all, his father was right about one thing: He didn't know Ladybug as well as his mother... At least, that's what he thought that day, but the more he thought about it, the more he wasn't that sure about it. Sure, his mother had always been the gentlest of the two... But, if his memory worked well, she was also the one that had insisted on him studying home and sometimes, her mother would have that strange smile that didn't reach her eyes... As if she was hiding things. Still, that was unimportant. Besides, with his mother back... Maybe his father would really stop his actions. But who assured him of that?

He sighed, noticing a petit hand patting his leg under the Gryffindor table. He turned to Marinette, who smiled lightly. He returned it, if only slightly, when suddenly, some owls enter the Great Hall and a little one crossed their entire table until it landed in front of Adrien.

"Hey there, little one" he said, fondly, and look at the legs, which were carrying a letter and opened his eyes, in surprise "It's from our master!"

"What?!" Marinette almost shouted.

Without knowing it, she had called everyone's attention at the table and their classmates looked at them, realizing what Adrien had in his hands.

"Oy, Agreste" Kim suddenly commented, making Marinette and Adrien to bolt from their seats "Who is writing to you?"

"Ehm... My father! He maybe wants to know how I'm doing..." he said, embarrassingly and got up "Excuse me!"

He got out of the Great Hall and Marinette followed him. They directed themselves towards the yard and once they were out and making sure no one was around, they opened the letter.

"Gosh... I'm starting to reconsider taking Chinese classes" Marinette groaned "Well, if you could translate it to me..."

Adrien smirked, his eyes went towards the paper in his hands and he cleared his throat.

Dear Adrien,

I hope this arrives early because your last letter set me on edge.

The people at your school know about the attack in London and they are suspicious that your class was not kidnapped, as they had thought. This is not good for all of you, because you will be questioned when you arrive. You'll need a plan for that, as I can't say for how long they will stay this calm.

In any case, although I don't like that some identities have been revealed, I do understand that the situation was too serious and it seems that these dark wizards are very powerful. Please, you must be incredibly careful. You do not know for sure if they don't know who you all are. This reveal could work in our favor though: You will work better if the trust is good between you two.

About the book... I can't say that I like that so much information about us is in the hands of wizards. All I can tell you is that you mustn't allow anyone to obtain the miraculous, especially the ones your partner and you are carrying.

I can't give you advice with wizards, but there must be at least one that you can probably trust. Choose well and maybe you will be able to make it out of the magic world.

Last... I am sorry to hear about your father, but you mustn't get swayed by him. Even though he's your family, even though he has figured you out (I won't ask how, but you should have been careful)... It doesn't change that he has been terrorizing Paris for too long. The dark wizards are the priority for both of you, as they are stronger and a bigger threat, but if you can defeat Hawkmoth without risking yourselves too much, do it. The miraculous are meant to be used for good, not evil, no matter the circumstances.

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