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Hello everyone! This is not an update of the story, but I wanted to make everyone know that yes, I'm still writing it and yes, I'll continue to publish this story.

I have to ask you to be patient as in Spain we have been in quarantine since practically my birthday. Things around my life have been hectic, as university classes are online and the amount of work of the professors to their subjects has increased to almost a degree of where I barely have time to myself.

I must add that I'm living with my grandparents, who are people at risk to get sick from this virus, and I'm the only one available to go out for supplies, pills, and such.

Also, I have to say that I deal with depression and GAD (General Anxiety Disorder) and since therapies have been closed and I only can write my therapist from time to time, I ask you to be understanding of the situation and be patient.

This is not a situation I usually deal with and I'm having problems on trying to organize my brain and my life in order to write something.

I'm very sorry about this. I'll try to be back at writing as soon as possible.

I wish you the best and please, stay healthy and be careful! ^^ 

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