Chapter 12

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The high school of Françoise Dupont was in chaos. Since the news of the akuma in London had reached Paris, all hell had broken loose. No one knew why Hawkmoth was in London along with their heroes instead of Paris. And, to make things worse, the apparition of Queen Bee (who everyone knew as Chloé Bourgeois) meant that the children were around somewhere in the city, not exactly in danger because... Then, her apparition in the scene wouldn't have had sense at all. But why not communicate with the school and the parents? Why hide? What was going on? Poor Madame Bustier didn't understand a thing.

For now, the police of London were treating the case more carefully and in hiding, just in case things got complicated and she was grateful for it. The least she wanted was for her students to get into more trouble.

From where she was, she could see all the parents talking with Principle Damocles about their children's disappearance and the akuma attack in London. The reporters of London city had not been that fast on recording the accident and had only followed the heroes to the British Museum and then, something weird had happened and the heroes had managed to avoid the cameras. Minutes later, the repairing ladybugs had appeared and everything had gone to normal. Still, they didn't know where the heroes had disappeared and it also meant they had lost Chloé, who was the only one who could have answered their questions. It also meant, apparently, that the students were at Hawkmoth's mercy and it made Madame Bustier wishing even more that they could get them to safety in France as soon as possible.

She let herself lean on the nearest wall next to a corner and let out a sigh, when suddenly, she heard a voice.

"They won't find your students in the normal world."

"What... Who...?!" she was about to turn in her heels but was interrupted.

"I must ask you to please no turn. It was dangerous enough of myself to get here" he said. She bit her lip, but stayed where she was "Good; thank you, Madame Bustier."

"How do you know who I am? Who are you? What do you know?" she asked all at once.

"Ah, I know a lot of things, madame. I am no one more than someone who helps the young heroes from time to time. As for what I know... I can only say that I got a hold on where are the students, but I must say that it is impossible for us to reach there since the world they are in is not only dangerous but also filled with magic."

"What do you mean magic? Like the one of the heroes?" she asked

"Not quite, I'm afraid. For the moment, they are trying to search for a way to get out and I trust them enough to do it. They are not alone in this and they will come back. But until now, you'll have to be patient."

"I don't understand anything" she mentioned.

When she received no answer, she turned to the corner only to see that there was no one there. She gulped.

He had known it had been a great idea to use wizards who knew how to read minds like him. Despite the thing that most of his associates weren't able to figure out the heroes' identities, they knew that the five of them were in Hogwarts castle and that they wanted to get out of the magical world as soon as possible. They were only mere students that, worst of all, were just muggle-borns who knew almost nothing about magic. How pathetic.

On the other hand, he was happy with himself. After all, as he was a very powerful wizard, it hadn't taken him long to figure out where the supposed villain of the heroes was living and working. It hadn't been really easy, but he had managed. After all, he had to pass through the possessed person to the dark butterfly and from there to the villain of the heroes.

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