Chapter 4

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Madame Bustier couldn't forgive herself for what had happened. She had lost her whole class, believing a minute wouldn't make too much of a difference, and when going back to where she had left them, she had almost died of a heart attack.

In the beginning, the high school could have taken it as a possible mistake from another English school, but one week had almost passed and they hadn't received any message of where their students were. So now, obviously, parents were panicking and things were getting out of hand, of course. The only solution they had now: The police.

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A few days ago...

Gabriel had passed already a week and a half either trying to design or helping. In two occasions he had possessed two persons in two places when they had gone to Diagon Alley for supplies, having already researched that the street was closed to those places. It wasn't like he could have gotten the miraculous around there: He was mostly bored, wanted some ideas or he simply wanted to know how far he could go with it. He wouldn't hold their transformations for long though; just for enough mayhem and some commotion on the normal world.

With the last designs of Anne already done and most of his still to be finished, he wished he would have a larger library to research more about this magic world. He had already looked over all the books that Anne had and he had already been three times to the small library that village had and... He needed more. Especially if he wanted to go back home one of these days.

He went towards Anne's studio and knock twice before opening the door. Having seen their clothes, he had chosen since day one to wear his tuxedo. It had been weirder enough to explain why he was wearing normal 'muggle' clothes.

"Wanted something, Gabriel?" Anne smiled to him briefly, looking at the trousers again.

"Yes... Is there some larger library? Like, if not here, maybe a bit closer than Diagon Alley..." he asked.

"Well, the closest is in Hogwarts school. I guess you could use our owl to ask permission and see if they would let you enter inside for research purposes"

"I'll do that... Thank you."

"Yeah, don't worry. As long as you come with good designs, it's okay. The last one I saw you working on looked pretty good."

"I'm glad you're liking it" he raised an eyebrow a little, but let it drop "Then, I'll send a message to this school if you don't mind."

He went towards where Anne kept her brown owl, he took a parchment and used the quill with the ink to write a quick note on having permission to use from time to time the library of the school for research purposes on history (not a lie, anyway) and fashion on Britain, since he was working in that damn shop (he didn't actually put that, but he wouldn't have minded). He opened the jail when he finished putting on the envelope and putting the stamp of the shop and gave it to the owl after reaching the destination.

"Go to that Hogwarts school and give it to the headmaster or someone similar of the same power." He opened the window and watched it fly away with the envelope in its legs "I hope that type of birds are smart" he commented raising an eyebrow a little.

Luckily for him, on Saturday afternoon, the owl came back with an envelope at its legs and Anne let it enter, calling him on the process.

The letter said that there would be no problem for him to enter the library and that they had already advised their attendant. They also had included a special card, since he had included his name.

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