Chapter 9

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In a split of half an hour, both of them transformed again and went towards the museum, where their friends were waiting. Ladybug explained to them in a moment the way back that her kwami had worked for them and told them to go there as fast as possible while the magic was still on the air. She also told them that their communication would get now better, so if there would be any problems, everyone should inform a party. Chat and she knew themselves now, so they could reach one another. As for the other three, they knew themselves and they also knew that now both Chat and she knew their identities so... It would get just a little better.

"... Please, everyone, stay safe."

The three of them nodded their heads, transforming back into their superheroes forms, going back to where they had come from. Chat turned around, waving a little goodbye to her, and she took another route to give a little round, and then go back to the magical world through the same way she had entered and went back to the book shop where she (and the rest) had appeared.

She prayed that Tikki's magic had done something to the way of going, but seeing as neither of her three friends or Adrien were around in the shop, she let out a sigh. The attendant at the table was probably paralyzed by Queen Bee's venom, so she had to act quickly.

She took out some of that damn thing called flu powder, threw it to the chimney, this one turning green and entered. She called her transformation off and then said without a doubt her destination to Hogwarts. The flames lit up, and then she was twisting and turning around until she landed on the ground through the chimney, coughing a lot.

When she looked up again, she tried not to cringe at the scene that was in McGonagall's office. The old teacher, who had had her back looking at her, had now turned to her, in a surprised expression and Marinette did her best to act as innocent as possible and only thought on being screwed that not only Adrien was there, but also Chloé, Nino, and Alya.

'We are so dead right now...' Marinette couldn't help to think.

"Get out of that dirt before getting out of that chimney, Miss Dupain-Cheng" McGonagall then spoke as calm as possible "Then, please, sit with your classmates."

"Y-yes, professor." she did as she was told and then sat next to Nino, the only chair available in there.

"Now... You four are going to explain everything. First, I am called by Mister Lahiffe feeling bad. Then, I'm paralyzed. If that was not enough, I was there standing like an idiot for five minutes, and even after fifteen minutes Mister Lahiffe hasn't come back with the supposedly help he was going to get" she started, all of them cringing at her words "I thought first he had lost so I go and do a few rounds on the first and second floor, just in case. I don't find him anywhere, and I go back to my office to call the rest of the professors via the chimney to come and help me find him when, lucky me, I find Mister Agreste, standing there in my office, saying he was looking for his friend Lahiffe. I explain the situation and just at that moment, you three appear through the chimney, which should be impossible, and now you, Miss Dupain-Cheng, appear through there too. Now, someone explains to me everything or this is going to get messy." she crossed her arms "I can understand Mister Agreste here, but you four..."

Marinette gulped at that. Everything was going so fine. Why things had to turn so bad? What could she say? What could they all say?

"... I... can't say." Chloé sighed, defeated, fidgeting with her hair "It's supposed to be a secret, according to... well, a master, I guess."

"Master?" she raised an eyebrow "I expect a better explanation, Miss Bourgeois. You either open on your own accord or we will make a punishment for you four that will probably cost you going back to Beauxbatons."

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