Chapter 3: Lunch and Bullies

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Abbie’s P.O.V

I walk into the lunch room looking around trying to find the guys when I hear someone behind me. “Hey Gurrl!” Matt says.

“Hey! I was just looking for you!” I say. We start walking to a table when I see the other guys.

“Hey guys!” I exclaim. They all start laughing. “What’s so funny? Do I have something on my face?” I ask nervously.

“There isn’t anything on your face. We are just laughing at this,” Aaron says handing me a phone. I see that it is a vine that was uploaded by Cameron. In the vine I am standing there dissecting the frog in bio when Cam comes up behind me and yells ribbit making me jump and scream.

“OMG! Cameron Dallas I cannot believe you uploaded this!” I yell, “I hate you!” Cam stands up and gives me a hug.

“You love me!” Cameron says.

“Yeah your right I do,” I say giggling. I look over at Shawn who has the same angry expression that he did earlier. I go and sit down next to him at the table to ask him what’s wrong.

“Hey Shawn!” I say.

“Hi,” is all he says.

“What’s wrong? You seem kind of mad. Did I do something wrong?” I ask him.

“Nothing’s wrong. Why don’t you go over there and talk to Cam since you like him so much?” Shawn says. Ouch! That stung a bit. Now I see why he is mad, he thinks Cam and I like each other.

“What? You got it all wrong. I don’t like Cam like that. He is like an older brother to me. Nothing more than that,” I explain. He looks up at me and smiles and I return the smile.

                Everyone started talking asking how my day has been so far when my phone starts blaring Shawn’s song ‘Life of the Party.’ I look at my phone and see that my uncle is calling me. I look at the guys, who have smirks on their faces, and excuse myself from the table. I go out in the hallway and answer my phone.

“Hey Uncle Ian,” I say.

“Hey sweetheart how has your first day been so far?” he asks.

“It has been great so far. I made some friends already,” I say.

“That’s great well I have to go. I will talk to you later. Bye!” He says.

“Bye!” I say and hang up.

                “ Hey geek,” I hear from behind me. I turn around and see Brittney standing there with her army of wanna be’s.

“Um hi?” I say. She walks up to me and pushes me against the lockers.

“Listen here you skank. Stay away from Shawn he is mine got it? If you even talk to him I will-“ Brittney says before getting shoved off me.

“You’ll what?” a girl with medium length hair says, towering over Brittney. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop picking on people who have done nothing to you?” the girl says.

“Ugh whatever” Brittney says walking off.

“Hey are you okay?” the girl says.

“Yeah I’m fine thanks,” I say

“I am sorry about her. I don’t understand why my sister has to act like that.” She says.

“Sister?” I say.

“Well step- sister. I am Hannah by the way,” She says.

“Abbie” I reply, “Thanks again for helping me.”

“No problem. If anyone else tries to mess with you just tell me and I will set them straight,” she says.

“Okay I will,” I say before heading back to the cafeteria.

Shawn’s P.O.V

I feel so bad for being rude to Abbie. I should have let her explain before jumping to conclusions. I don’t know why I got so jealous. Yeah I like Abbie but if she would have picked Cam I would have been happy cause Cam is such a good guy and I know he wouldn’t hurt her. Ugh I wonder if I should tell the guys that I like her or not. I think I’m going to. “Hey guys I need to tell you something,” I say.

“Is about that you like Abbie then we already know,” Taylor says.

“How did you know?” I ask.

“Dude we can tell by the way you look at her,” Nash says.

“Dude you should totally as her out!” Matt and Aaron both exclaimed.

“I don’t know. What if she doesn’t like me like that?” I say.

“Oh trust me dude she does. She wouldn’t stop asking about you in Biology,” Cam said.

“Hey guys what are you guys talking about?” Abbie says approaching the table.

“Nothing” we all say.

“Um okay?” she says. The bell rings and Abbie and I start walking to English together. I have decided that I will ask her out next period. Hopefully this goes well……


Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter!!! I am still accepting suggestions for stories in the comments, so if there is a boy you want me to do a story about and if you want to be the main character then leave all of that in the comments and I will select someone. Everyone needs to go and listen to Shawn Mendes’s song “Life of the Party” It is AMAZING!! I have listened to it none stop for the past three days. So everyone go check it out! Also everyone go and check out my other story. It’s a Hayes Grier fanfic. One last request is to go and check out Hannah_cupcakes631. She is writing a Nash Grier fanfic called Falling for Nash and it is really good so far. Thanks again bye!

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