Chapter 15: She's Alive!!!

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A/N I am still looking for ideas to help me continue so kik me at Haley_White1215 or DM me on Twitter @booknerd1215 Thanks!

Abbie’s P.O.V

I woke up and looked around and realized that I was in a hospital room. I was so happy that I didn’t dream being rescued. I pressed the call nurse button and immediately two nurses, a doctor, and Detective Morgan rushed in. “You’re awake!” the doctor said, “I’m Dr. Reid. How are you feeling?”

"I’m feeling fine just tired,” I replied.

“What about your leg? Is there any pain there?” My leg? I didn’t notice it before but I had a cast on my leg.

“What happened to my leg?” I asked confused.

“Well because of the beatings, many of the bones in your leg were shattered so while you were unconscious we did surgery on your leg,” Dr. Reid said, “You will have to be in a wheel chair for a couple of weeks.”

“Abbie, you don’t have to worry anymore. We have Jake and Brittney both in custody. They are being charged with kidnapping, attempted murder, and attempted rape. We will have to set a court date and we will need to come and testify. Will you be willing to do that?” Detective Morgan asked.

“Of course.”

“Excellent now you do have some visitors who are dying to see you.”

“We can let them in a couple at a time or all at once. It’s up to you,” one of the nurses said.

“All at once will be fine,” I replied, not wanting to wait to see everyone.

The nurses and the doctor walked out and in walked all the guys, Sami, Mahogany, Clary, and my aunt and uncle. “Abbie!”

“Your alive!”

“I have missed you so much!” everyone was talking at the same time.

“Okay everyone calm down. You don’t want to overwhelm Abbie now. She has been through a lot over the past couple of days,” Detective Morgan said.

“Thanks detective. How have you guys been?” I asked them smiling.

“Worried sick about you! I am so glad your okay!” Maggie said hugging me.

“Okay Aunt Maggie I can’t breathe,” I said. She let go and looked at me and my uncle came over and hugged me.

“How are you feeling kiddo?” Ian asked.

“I’m feeling much better now that you guys are here.

Everyone came up to me and hugged me telling me how worried they were and how much they missed me. After everyone hugged me that’s when I realized that Shawn wasn’t in the room. “Where’s Shawn?” I asked worriedly.

“He is at the hotel,” Aaron said.

“He didn’t think you would want to see him,” Johnson said.

“What? Why wouldn’t I? Can someone get me out of here?” I asked question after question struggling to get out of bed.

“Woah just wait. Will someone get the doctor?” Ian asked. Maggie walked out of the room and returned with the doctor.

“Okay Abbie you are free to go. Here is a prescription for pain killers in case your leg starts bothering you. Now if you could kind of swing your legs over to the side of the bed so we can put you in the wheel chair then you will be all ready to go.” I did as instructed and before I knew it I was being lifted out of the wheel chair and being put into the limo. We were back at the hotel and Cam and Gilinsky lifted me out of the limo and sat me down into the wheel chair.

“So Abbie what do you want to do first?” Matt asked me.

“First I want to change. Then go and talk to Shawn and then go and get some food because I am starving!” I exclaimed the last part.

“Still the same old Abbie,” Nash chuckled.

“Haha Sami let’s go,” I said. Sami took a hold of the wheel chair and pushed me to our room.

“So what do you want to wear?” Sami asked. I gave her an are-you-kidding-me look.

“Right,” she said and walked over to my stuff and pulled out sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I tried to quickly slip on the clothes but it didn’t work that well. “You ready?” Sami asked.

“Yeppers!” I exclaimed.

We left my room and headed to Shawn’s we knocked on the door and Hayes answered. “Hey Abbie!” he exclaimed.

“Hey! Is Shawn in there?” I asked.

“Yeah so is everyone else! Come on in!” Hayes said. Sami pushed me in.

“I think I can roll myself around now Sami,” I said.

“Good cause your heavy,” She said. I just rolled my eyes and all the guys laughed.

“Can I have a minute alone with Shawn?” I asked. Everyone nodded and left the room.

“Abbie I am so sorry this happened. You don’t know how bad I felt after leaving you there alone. I just-“He was saying before I cut him off.

“Shawn come here,” I said. He walked over to where I was and knelt down beside me. “Listen I don’t blame you for anything that happened okay?” I said. He nodded his head and pulled something out of his pocket.

“Abbie I got this for you,” he said handing me a necklace that had an S on it.

“S for Shawn?” I asked.

“Yeah, here let me put it on you,” he said taking the necklace and putting it around my neck. When he came back to face me he put his hands on both sides of my face and leaned in. The second our lips touched I felt the fireworks that I have missed so much.

When he pulled away I smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before rolling towards the door. We headed out of the room and seen everyone waiting in the hallway.

“So are you two back together?” Clary asked. Shawn and I just looked at each other and smiled.

“I will take that as a yes,” Taylor said.

“Can we go get food now?” I asked. Everyone just laughed.

“Hey this is a serious matter! My stomach is over here sounding like a dying whale!” I said getting frustrated. This just made everyone laugh harder.

“Okay, okay. What do you want?” Mahogany asked.

“Taco Bell!” I exclaimed. Everyone laughed again and we all headed towards the elevator.

We arrived at Taco Bell and the minute we sat down all kinds of teenage girls swarmed our table asking for pictures with the guys. A couple of the girls who were getting pictures with Shawn looked over at me and their faces were washed with concern.

“OMG! Girls look!” one of the girls shouted. All the girls stopped what they were doing and walked over to me.

“You are Shawn’s girlfriend!”

“Did you really get kidnapped?”

“OMG! You were saved!” all the girls were shouting things.

“Everybody stop yelling please! Abbie has had a rough couple of days and we would all like to eat our food in peace. Now if you really want a picture of with the guys then please wait outside and I am sure they will gladly take a picture with you after we are finished eating!” Clary shouted over the screaming girls. The girls mumbled things but they followed orders and went outside.

“Thank you Clary!” I said.

“No problem. Now let’s eat!”


     Hey everyone! I know this is kind of short but I just really wanted to update for you guys! Thank you all for the reads! You guys are amazing! Love you guys bye! -Haley

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