Chapter 13: Where am I?

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Abbie’s P.O.V

“Listen Abbie-“Shawn started before being cut off by Clary’s phone ringing.

“Sorry guys! I have to take this so I will just head inside real quick. Please don’t kill each other while I’m gone,” Clary said before walking back inside. Shawn opened his mouth to speak again when all of a sudden everything went black.

I woke up with my head throbbing. I look around and couldn’t see anything because it was pitch black. When my eyes finally adjusted I looked around and seen that I was in a room that had a very old bed and a toilet in the corner of the room and that was it. It kind of looked like a prison cell.

I heard a groan and quickly spun around to see a dark figure in the corner. “W-who’s there?” I whisper yelled.

“Abbie?” The voice said. I rushed over to the corner to see Shawn sitting there rubbing his head.

“Shawn! Oh my gosh!” I said, hugging him but then quickly pulled away remembering he was still mad at me. I got up and walked, well more like stumbled, over to the bed and sat down. Shawn stood up and followed me.

“Where are we?” He asked.

“I don’t know,” I mumbled, remembering everything that has happened these past couple of days.

“Abbie are you okay?” Shawn asked.

“Are you kidding me? I am sitting in a dark room not knowing where the hell I am with my ex boyfriend who is still mad at me for something that didn’t even happen and you have the nerve to ask me if I’m okay!” I whisper shouted at him, feeling all the anger I have held in these past couple of days bubble to the surface.

“Listen Abbie I’m sorry okay? I know now that you were telling the truth all along and I am really truly sorry. If you wanna know why I believe you all of a sudden it’s because I overheard Brittney laughing with someone on the phone about how gullible all us guys were for actually believing those pictures,” Shawn said. I could hear how sorry he was from the tone of his voice and instantly knew that he was really sorry. I lifted my head up to where I was face to face with him and could see the few tears running down his face. I brought my hands up and placed them on both sides of his face and leaned in.

As soon as our lips connected I instantly felt the sparks I have been missing. When we pulled away I could see through the dark the big smile plastered on Shawn’s face. “Abbie you don’t know how much I have missed doing that,” Shawn said. We were still sitting there when I hear a door creak open and a light turned on filling the room with light causing me to squint because it was so bright. When my eyes fully adjusted I came face to face with two people who I would recognize from anywhere, Jake and Brittney.

“Well look who is up,” Brittney said with a smirk on her face and then I could see her jaw drop when she seen Shawn sitting next to me. “Shawn?! Jake what the hell! I told you to get Abbie, not Abbie and Shawn! Why did you take him to??” Brittney shrieked.

“Sorry but I didn’t see any way to get Abbie alone since someone is always with her and well I don’t know I just hate that stupid bastard because he stole Abbie from me!” Jake replied back.

“OMG! Shawn I am so sorry you were dragged into this mess! Just come with me and I will get you out of here,” Brittney said.

Shawn looked at me and I could tell by his eyes that he wasn’t going to leave me here alone but I couldn’t let him stay. I don’t want him getting hurt and the person they really want is me. If he can get out of here then maybe he can bring back help and I can get rescued. For now though I am just going to have to take whatever crap they throw at me.

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