Jim Cook Vs A Dino

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"Being sick rocks!" "Do you feel any better Sarge?" Jaden nodded his head. "That was fast!" "To fast if you'd ask me"

Jaden was stuffing his face with food we got, "umm you might wanna think coming up for air" Alexis said concerned "never get between a man and five trays of hospital food"

"So when will you think you'll come back to Slither Red?" "Never sy! Dorm food isn't like this"

"Can you spare a bite?" "Dream on!" The Nurse came on with her clipboard. "According to our late test results, you seem to be fine. But that was quite the recovery! Don't be fooled Jaden, your body's been under stress! We need to be certain this won't happen again. Therefore it's my opinion that you refrain from doing anything strenuous for the next two weeks"

He then stuffed his face again with food like he didn't listen to what she was saying, "one question would eating be strenuous?"

He then ran out the door Syrus and hasselberry followed. "Mind doing me a favour and bringing him back here if he collapses again?" The two girls nodded there heads and headed off.

~time skip~

"I gotta find me someone to duel" "howdy do boys" Jaden turned seeing me and Jesse outside "hey Jesse, sup lu," "hey guess you're okay"

"Totally never felt better!" "Good cause I've been started to get worried...well me and Luna were worried about you." I looked over and Jaden, wondering if he should be resting by now.

"There's a nasty rumour going around! Get a load of this. They saw your retiring for good, are you?" Just then something bit hassleberry.

"What in the world! Hey, that's...." "down girl! Heal" Jim pulled his crock off of Hassleberry. "What's wrong with her Jim?" "Something in the air has triggered her primitive instincts!"

"Ohh..." "you understood that?" "Nope not a word" he then pulled something out of his jacket. "This might clear things up for ya, it measures vibrations in the atmosphere."

When I looked at the device seeing that these waves were going haywires "we need to find the source of the problem."

~time skip~

I started to worry but tried not to make it obvious, just then Shirley acted up again, but Jim covered her eyes with his scarf.

"Let me guess, bad vibes again?" "That's why I covered her eyes mate, I'm trying to minimize all the external similes(idk what he said)"

Just then I felt someone touch my shoulder, I turned seeing hasselberry "hasselberry? What are you...!" He then threw me to a tree.

I hit my head so hard that it started bleeding "Luna! You alright?" I didn't say anything and stopped him from attacking Jim.

"Hasselberry chill!" "What was that all about? I understand the crock, but why are you going nuts?" I noticed his eyes changed, could it be that he's part animal or better yet part Dino?

"It's because he's part animal! And I'm not talking about his baboon brain!" "Ya, your right! Since his accident, he has Dino DNA in his blood!"

"I don't like the looks in his eyes..." "a Dino ey! That's a new one so if it's a fight you want than a fight is what you'll get." I stepped aside so then I wouldn't get attacked again.

I sat underneath a tree, to rest my head "Hey lu you going to be okay?" I nodded my head and looked at the duel.

"Dino man makes first move! Plain gilasuar! Now Dino friend go bye bye!" "He summoned dark triceratops!"

I stood up trying not to hit my head and went to Jim's side. "Better stay behind me mate, don't want cha getting hurt again" "I summon my flint, Krager! Next, I'll send him off to the graveyard! But not before he blows 500 points of damage"


"What on sham hill did you do that for!?" "He's back to normal!" "Maybe, depends on your definition on 'normal'"

"Show some respect!" "I don't know what's worse a guy who thinks he's a Dino, or a guy who thinks he's a drill Sargent" I laughed a little when Jesse said that.

"I play fossil fusion!" "Fossil what now" *isn't this guy suppose to be a Dino expert? He just proved that he isn't*

"This card takes a monster from my graveyard and fuse it with one of yours!" He fused both fossils to summon "fossil dragon skullgar"

"That's one cool dragon you got there Jim!" "Thanks, mate" he then sent his Dino to attack Jim's Skullgar


"Instincts you say! If I duel like you I'd hit the books" "Hey! You may know more facts than I do, but I got one thing you haven't got! DINO DNA!"

His eyes went Dino than back to normal "and do you know what? That's something you can't get from some textbook! But you're about to see that first-hand crock-boy!"

I went over to the others cause I didn't like being near the duel when there's a Dino in it. "How's your head lu?" "Okay, I guess..."

"Ready soldier! Attention! Company Halt! I play baby serasourus!" *a baby Dino! How cute!!!*

"Next I activate the field spell, Jurassic World!" The field change to the Dino days. "Thanks to the sudden change in our natural surroundings, my little pal here gets a boost!" (ATK:500+300=800)

"My lady I feel something around here like another duel spirit but different" "what do you mean draz?" "There's like a duel spirit around these parts and it's not that far away, should we check it out?"

I looked over at the duel then back at draz "Okay but we aren't going too far if we do find something" I headed off into the forest without anyone knowing.

"Okay, which way is this spirit?" "This way, she's in that building there" I saw what my spirit was talking about, but didn't see an entrance. "We better keep this to ourselves, we don't want anyone else knowing about this"

I started heading back, but couldn't notice a Gecko hiding in the bushes. I didn't bother what he was doing and looked over at the duel when I got back.

*seems like Jim's in trouble, but he can turn things around if he plays the right cards!" He played fossil fusion again to fuse sample fossil. And Hasselberrys tyrano.

He summoned his fossil dragon skullgios. "For
a bunch of old bones that thing looks pretty tough!"

"I'm with you sy! It's over!" "No way! It's not over till the last card is played!"

"Alright let's see what you got!" "A whole lot son! And I'll start with my brackion! Since there a monster on your field, he switches to defence mode!"

"That was a ripper move, good on ya mate!" I looked at their bio bands seeing some sort of light almost about to suck their energy. *that can't be good!*

"Bog in girl!" He then snapped his fingers to stop its attack "now why did he stop?" "Sorry to interrupt but my fossil monster has a special
Ability you might wanna know about!"

"Even tho it's in defence mode, get this your monsters attack points are deducted from mine and taken from your life points! That's a total of 1500 points and that's all you have!"

The duel ended with Jim being the winner then their bio bands sucked the energy out of them. I quickly headed to Jim's side to help him out.

"It's the same thing that happened to you Jay! We better take them to the infirmary"

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