Duel For Food! And Love!Part:2

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They all got worried if they lose ima goner, Jesses opponent drew his card and ended his turn "it's time I break my silence with my last draw I now have seven cards in my hand so I'm force to discard one to my grave!" Said the silence one "my draw here goes!" Said Jesse

"Here goes my 'silent pain' card you see if this is the only card in my grave during each of your stand by phases your monsters are destroyed and you take 1000 damage!" Said the silence one


"So that's why you were planning!" Said Jesse "haven't you heard that slow and steady wins the race which means you'll have a slow and painful duelling dimize!" Said the silence one

"The only duelling dimize I see around here is going to be yours once me and my beast take the rest of your life points! I summon 'CB.Topaz Tiger'" Said Jesse (ATK:1600)

"Alright, let me at him Jesse!" Said Topaz Tiger "you bet unfural those claws!" Said Jesse "not before I activate the 'silence space' spell card with silent pain in my graveyard I remove this card from play to destroy one of your monsters!" Said the silence one Topaz was destroyed

"No topaz!" I yelled "once again I draw and end my turn" Said the silence one "now hear this I draw!" Said Jesse "no so fast due to the effect of silent pain you take 1000 points of damage again but not before I activate torment spell card from my hand!" Said the silence one

"Another silent card!" Said Jesse "when silent pain activated I can remove silent torment from play and inflict you with an 1000points of damage so you lose 2000 life points!" Said the silence one


"Jesse!" I yelled "you know i liked you better when you weren't talking!" Said Jesse, I could feel the ropes getting lose I looked over seeing Slade and Kuribo, once they united me I headed to Jesses side.

"Jesse...are you alright?" I asked "I'm fine lu...I'm glad your safe but...I'm down to 1000 life points" Said Jesse

"Right mate I summon 'weathering soldier' in attack mode!" (ATK:2000) Said Jim "and the forecast looks grim now blow that anchor knight away!" Yelled Jim

Angry person:4000-500=3500

"Why you! Now you've really made me angry!" Said the angry one, he then discarded a card "whats this?" Asked Jim "did you really think your little breeze can blow away my anchor knight! By discarding on card in my hand he comes back in defence mode!" Said the angry one (DEF:600)

"Not Good I gotta figure out a way to stop him before my soldier loses another 600 attack points!" Said Jim "to and I go! First I switch anchor knight to attack mode then I reveal my trap card villain salvage! If anchor knight is my field I can take three cards from my grave and add them to my hand! Thing is I'm not allowed to use them!" Said the angry one

"Hold up, you just discarded them again that means!" Said Jim "Jim loses 1800 points of damage..."


"No Jim! He's down to 400 life points at this rate you and Jim might..." i Said, I felt Jesses hand on mine I looked over seeing he was smiling

I then saw Jim's monster get destroyed


I could hear the others students, they wanted them to win so then they would get food "come on you guys all of us are counting on you" Said Jaden

"Jaden, it's the vice Chancellor he just ran off into the school!" Said Blair, I looked over at them then back at the duel.

"I slap one card facedown and I summon 'fire trooper'" as he summoned it his monster disappeared "your monster just got extinguish" Said the funny one "how's this for funny, when fire trooper is sent to the grave I can deal 1000 points of damage!" Said axel

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