Saving Jaden

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I was trying to find my way out of the tunnel I went through "is there even an end?" I asked sapphire "don't look now but there's a fiend up ahead" Said sapphire

"You there! How'd you escape!" Said the fiend as he activated his duel disk, i sighed and did the same

~time skip~

"Okay...I think we're almost there Luna" Said sapphire "I hope your right sap! I just hope everyone's holding there all" I Said still running

"Hey...that's aster!" I Said as I saw aster duelling "Aster! Where's axel!?" I asked "He's duelling the king! Cmon let's go help him out" Said aster.

I nodded my head then heard Zane's and Syrus's voice "Syrus! Boy am I glad to see your safe" I Said hugging him "same here! Now cmon let's go help axel and save Jaden!" Said syrus as we went up to where they are.

"Jaden!" Said Zane "we have to help!" Said aster "stay back! This battle is between me and him!" Said axel "and My claws's special ability! By destroying it an evil token is summoned on your field" Said jaden


"You sure you wanna do that?" Asked axel "absolutely! Cause next up I play the trap evil blast! Which adds 500 points to that token! And for every of your stand by phases my trap forces you to take 500 damage!" Said jaden


"With axel only having 500 life points left to his name" Said Zane "the next stand by phase he'll lose unless he finds a way out" Said aster
"And now I play a facedown!" Said jaden

"This is it! Only one of us will survive this next round!" Said axel "this duel is about to end!" Said jaden "axels going to lose...wait a sec! The fairy's! I'd never told axel what I told them! Axel you gotta listen to me Jesse was here alive!" Said ojama yellow.

"Your certain!" Asked axel "Yup! I saw him with my very own eyes!" Said the O.Yellow "Jaden! Jesse is alive!" Said axel, *if O.yellow saw Jesse then the plan will start very soon!*

"Jaden didn't you hear me your friends okay! He's the reason we're here remember! He's needs you! He needs to bring him back safe to duel academy!" Said axel

"Why can't this nutcase see it's not working" Said one of my Gem-Knights "your right Em..but he has to at least try" I said

"He's not my friend! The supreme king has not friends! My only alia is darkness!" Said jaden "are what I tell you Luna! The only way to free him is by duelling!" Said GK.Emerald

"Huh! Is it really you?" Asked axel "Alright Jim! Let's Ava sour friend! Thanks for the help mate! This is the card I needed!" Said axel "I play the spell volcanic cyclone! For every pyro type monster I have in the grab the same number of spells on your field are destroyed! And now I'll send my volcanic counter to my grave this turn your evil blast gets destroyed!" Said axel

"Alright! All of axels life points are safe and sound!" Said aster "and now I Attack! Go volcanic Doom Fire!" Said axel "ojama I think this might be it!" Said syrus

"Not if I play this facedown! I activate the spell card known as super polymerization! By sending my claw to the grave yard I can fuse two monsters together! Like my edge and your evil token!" Said jaden

"N...Not this again! This is the same card that he used against Jim!" I Said scared "together they form Evil Hero melious fiend!" Said jaden


"Oh no! That evil fiend is more powerful than axels monster!" Said aster both there monsters attacked "oh no! Ahh!" Said jaden

I didn't know what was happening, I heard what axel just said once we opened our eyes it was over "axel!" Said aster as we ran towards him

"The power of the oriculcum brought Jaden back! Promise that you'll look after him" Said axel as he was sent to the stars

Tears coming down my face "what now...since we got Jaden back what'll happen now?" I asked, I heard Zane telling the fiends the king was defeated

~time skip~

We were all under a tree with Jaden still resting "we have to give him time to recover, he needs it! Who knows what happened inside him" Said Zane "so is it really true ojama? That you saw Jesse here?" Asked aster

"You betcha! I just never put two and two together! I'm no good with math! Seeings my strong suit" Said O.Yellow "well fill us in" Said aster

"I was scared! So it's hard to remember! Ah! It's all coming back to me!  It was dark but it all makes sense to me now! Everything except Jesses eyes just didn't seem right!" Said O.Yellow

*its almost time...almost time for me to betray them...I just hope they can forgive at the end*

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