The Betrayal Part:1

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We were all walking in a snow storm "Jaden...could we uh..take a break" I Said, he didn't answer back he just kept walking

"His mind is only on finding Jesse...but could we at least take a break for once!" I Said while walking

~time skip~

We can upon another big door "Jesse gotta he in there" Said jaden as he started walking towards it "where's he going?" Asked crowler

"Who knows!" Said syrus, I couldn't let Jaden do this there was only one thing in my head that can stop him from entering that door.

I threw my baton at the door stopping Jaden "Jaden! You can't just go through that door without a game plan!" I Yelled

"Luna?!" Said jaden "listen Jaden...we all know you wanna find and save Jesse badly, but your not ready for what's going to happen when you step through that door" I said

I then sighed "Jaden...I can tell your still terrified about what you did as the supreme king...your weak" I Said

"Jesse needs me...I promise I'll be more careful.." Said Jaden, but he was stopped again by my baton.

"Cmon!" Said jaden "it's for your own good jaden!" I Said "you can't stop me!" Said jaden "yes I can Jaden! And if you want me to prove it then duel me Jaden! If you win I'll let you go through lose and you let me go" I Said

"Fine..." Said Jaden


"I'll summon Gem-Armadillo and add GL-Emerald from my deck to my hand and throw down a facedown, your move Jaden" I said

"Alright then...I draw...I'll play EH.Clayman in Attack mode and lay down three face-downs" Said jaden "clayman in Attack mode! Jaden we both know that clayman is better in defence mode!" I Yelled

"Alright then I draw! And I play brilliant fusion! I can fuse GK-lapis, GK-Emerald and GK-Garnet to summon GK-Lady Brilliant Diamond" I Said


"Brilliant diamond attack his clayman! Brilliant Burst!" I Said as Jaden's monster was destroyed


"And next I'll play my facedown heavy storm! Let's see what you have Jaden!" I said, one of his face downs were spark blaster

"This is what I was worried about Jaden! Spark blaster, if you had sparkman on the field you
And played that you could've put my armadillo to defence and destroyed it!" I Said

"What else are you holding back Jaden!" I yelled, his second card was hero barrier "why didn't you play that Jaden! You could've stopped my Lady Brilliants Attack and saved you life points!" I yelled.

"One more card huh! Let's see what it could be it better not be something you could've used!"
I yelled, the last one was E-Emergency call

"This proves your still scared Jaden! You could've played that to get sparkman played spark blaster and hero barrier, you could've done that to stop my monsters attack!" I yelled

Jaden then realized what he did and fell to
The ground "Jaden! This is what I was worried for you! All those attacks, all those facedown! Your still scared about using fusion that it might turn you into the supreme king again!" I yelled

I then heard Zane groan, I turned seeing he wasn't looking to good, I stopped the duel and ran towards Zane "what's going on! What's wrong Zane!?" I asked

"It's because of all those underground duels!" Crowler Said, jaden then started walking away "Jaden? Where ya going?" Asked Syrus

"Sy...I want you to go after Jaden and look after him, and if anything happens to him bring him here got it" I Said, he nodded his head and went after Jaden.

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