Apologys and getting back home

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"Jesse you okay?" Asked Jaden "ya...urgh..probably could be better but don't worry...I'll be fine" Said Jesse

I looked at Jesse, I was so happy to see him back "Jesse!" I Said I ran and tackled him "whoa luna!" Said Jesse, all he could hear was me crying "I...I'm so happy your back!!" I Said

"You did it! Can we go home now?" Asked crowler "not yet crowler" Said jaden "what are you going to do now? Your going to duel again aren't you" Said crowler

"Alright yubel, Whats this duelling in oblivion about? If it's a fight your looking for than I'm up for it!" Said Jaden

"Look at you! Is that Jaden talking? Or is that the supreme king? Well either way since your up for a challenge let's have this duel follow me if you dare" Said yubel as she went up into the shadow

"Jaden wait, your actually going?" Asked Jesse "come on pal do you really have to ask" Said Jaden "well then here! I'm guessing you won't let me come wait ya, so take my deck and give yubel a little piece of my mind" Said Jesse

"Thanks Jesse, now get some rest and regain your strength and uh...deal with your little gem here" Said Jaden "right" Said Jesse

"You sure you should go? I mean think about it, it's probably some kind of trap! There could be hundred fiends waiting for you! Or some scary monster!" Said crowler

"Well in that case I don't wanna miss out! Going up!" Said jaden as he was heading up to the shadows

Jesse looked at me at hugged me back "let's give them some space for a little Cy" Said crowler as they both walked off

"Little Gem...don't shed those tears, I'm right here" Said Jesse "that's not the point Jesse! You don't know how scared I was! How alone I was!" I yelled

"You...made me feel like it was my fault...." I Said, I then noticed Cyrus heading up "Cy! What are you doing!" I Yelled

"Helping Jaden!" Yelled Cyrus "we can't do anything now Luna...we still need to talk ya know" Said Jesse

"I'm sorry if I made you feel like it's your fault...it wasn't it was mine, if I knew you'd feel like this I'd would've brought you with me" Said Jesse

"Luna...do you still feel guilty for betraying our friends?" Asked Jesse "y...ya..they would never forgive me...not even Jaden" I said, Jesse then brought me into another hug "Luna...I'll never ever do anything rash...and Jaden isn't like that, he would forgive you" Said Jesse

"He's right lady Luna, Jaden and the others would forgive you" Said GK-Amber "Uhh...Luna who's your knee friend?" Asked Jesse "there my Gem-Knights, I released them from a tablet in one of the twelve dimensions, I'm the only one who can use them just like your beasts" I Said

"It's good to finally meet you sir Anderson, I'm Amber and that little ones licking your hand is Gem-turtle and armadillo" Said Amber

"Hey there little guys" Said Jesse "Jesse...can I ask you something?" I Asked "what is it Gem?" Asked Jesse, I sighed and looked at him "once we get back...are you staying at duel academy or are you going back to north academy?" I Asked

"I'm heading back to north academy...but maybe you would like to come with me?" Asked Jesse "I can't...I must stay at duel academy and finish my year there...but once I do, I'll come looking for you and we can be together forever Jesse" I said smiling

"Hey what's that light?" Asked crowler, me and Jesse looked "this light...it's the light that'll bring us home Crowler" I Said

~time skip~

I opened my eyes seeing we were back "w...where are we lu?" Asked Jesse I looked at him and smiled "were home Jesse"

N:that's the end of this book! Don't worry, I'm making the next book so be ready for that one

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