Saving Spirits

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"Where'd that portal take us bastion?" Asked hassleberry "an alternate dimension but not the one we were in before" Said bastion

"Is Luna in this world?" Asked syrus "indeed she is mate look" Said Jim as he picked up one of my hair clips "guys where's jay?" Asked syrus

Jaden's POV

I was looking around for Jesse when I saw Luna walking about "Luna! Found Jesse yet?" Asked jaden " sign of him..." I said

Just then the rock beside Jaden broke and Jaden fell "JADEN!" I yelled as I also fell

"That hurt!" Said Jaden "you alright jay?" I asked "I'm fine but uh...where are we?" Asked Jaden

"I have no looks like someone or something has been down here since there is a mine cart track" I Said as I pointed.

Then something came from one side with something in it "w...What was that?!" I Said "whatever that was we better be ready" Said Jaden, then a hand was placed on his duel

"Axel!" Said jaden "I wouldn't draw to much attention yet! We're here to find Jesse, and it'll be easy if there's no interference" said axel, we waited till those things were gone then we ran

"We need to find a way out of this cavern" Said axel "but jesse...I gotta make sure he's not down here" Said Jaden "your right! But doing this on your own is way to dangerous! We're all here to help so let's find a way back to our friends first!" Said axel

Just then axel pulled Jaden aside then grabbed his duel disk "wait! Tanya?!" Said Jaden "that you Jaden Luna?" Asked Tanya

"You know her guys?" Asked Axel "we sure do! Jay here had an amazing duel with her" I Said, we then saw bastion.

~time skip~

"Glad you can join us Bastion" Said Jaden "so Tanya...a portal opened from your world and brought into this dimension?" Asked bastion "yes and it happened to others as well" Answered tanya

"Uhh Guys...look down.." I said, everyone looked they saw duel monsters controlling other duel monsters "is there any way to stop it?" Asked jaden

"I'm working on it, I've got my soldiers good to
Go but we need a distraction! Straight ahead is the winged beast head quarters. We're planing to ambush them but with all those winged beast playing guard duty down there we won't be able to take them by surprise." Said tanya

"We're I'm from it's always best to go undercover at night, do you know what powers those lights?" Asked Axel "uh huh" Answered tanya

"So do you have a plan?" Asked jaden "you better believe i do!"

~time skip~ Luna's POV

"This way!" Quietly said tanya as we all ran, when I looked down I didn't like what I was seeing "we gotta help it!"

"Stop! If you go now you'll end up just like them Jaden!" Said axel

~time skip~ top of the tower

When we made it up we hid behind a rock so then we won't be seen "we better keep that guard busy! Here's what I'm thinking cut the power cut the light!" Said axel

"And without light those winged beast won't see us coming" Said tanya "exactly! I'll distract him and you cut the light" Said axel

"Axel wait...let me distract him, I need a duel to take my mind of you know who..." I said "alright but be careful kid" Said axel, I walked towards the winged beast

"Hey bird head!" I yelled "huh? How did you get up here?" Asked the bird "that's not important! I'm here to duel you birdie!" I said

"A duel! This should be fun once I defeat you I'll take you to our lord, he'll just love to see you kid!" Said the bird as we both activated our duel disk "I almost forgot we both can make a wish and who ever wins there wish comes true!" Said the bird.

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