Rich Fight! Gecko Vs Princeton (Part:1)

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"This is what exactly what happened to Jaden!" (Idk what she said after that)

"Yup! Question is why now?" "Remember what Jim said?" "He said something about these bio bands, and I think he's right."

They all looked over at me "what do you mean lu?" "Think about it! Some light came from the big bands, and now they're suddenly tired! That light means something!"

"I've been saying this all along!" "You know Jim brings up a good point! I'd never thought of that" "I did but no one listened to me!"

I started heading for the door then felt someone grab my arm "Luna where are you going?" "To find viper and have a talk with him..."

Jesse then let go and turned me around "What if he wants to duel you, Luna! We don't want the same thing happening to you!" "I don't care! I'm going and you can't stop me, Jesse!" I ran out the door heading to where viper might be.

"Getting back to Jim's idea let's confront viper about these bio bands!" "I think Luna's way ahead of you lex"

~time skip~

"Luna wait up!" I stopped when I heard a girls voice "Alexis right? Trying to stop me, well I'm not going to" "I know but you need a plan first, cmon we can help with that." I sighed "fine..."

"She agreed to come up with a plan first before storming in" They all were discussing the plan but for me. "Luna, something wrong?" "It's nothing...mind if I head to my dorm I need some time to think of something"

They nodded their heads and I headed to my dorm.

~time skip~

*I don't know what you're up to Viper but I will find out, then it games over for you* I noticed a letter in front of my door when I opened it. It was an invite to geckos party.

"I guess I'll go...have nothing better to do anyway" "it's good to get some air"


I started heading towards the ocean to throw my worry's away..."better head there now...people are probably there by now..."

~night (at the party~

"Gecko sure knows how to throw a party! But what is it all about, there has to be a caught..." *strange...Lex and the others aren't here...did Gecko now invite them or are they late?*

"What's up? For those of you who don't know me, I'm Adrian! And thanks for showing up to my first ever duel jewel shindigs. It's one part card playing tournament ones part share, and a whole lot of kicking but and noises." Everyone clapped but me, something didn't seem right.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot! What's a tournament without a grand prize!" *wonder what it is?* he reviled the jewel disk. "Sweet, I could use a new duel disk"

Everyone was so pumped so was I "alright my lady we better get our game on!" I smiled and looked around seeing everyone duelling. "Hey, where's Gecko going?"

I followed him outside, then heard someone's voice "who are you!?" "Your worst nightmare!" Suddenly they both were being lifted up by a helicopter.

*that has to be Chazz he's the only one I know who would do something like this...but why Gecko?"

"Hey there lu!" I turned around seeing Jayden and everyone else "you showed up, I thought you'd be late for this duel" "well we were going to crash the party then we saw this duel!"

"I gotta say I like your style bro" "first of all my name is The Chazz! Second of all, what do you know about style! You got purple hair and you're wrapped in my moms old living room curtain!"

I didn't like what Chazz was saying, is he trying to make this guy mad or what "so Luna..." I turned to Alexis seeing she was making a face. "Why are you looking at me like that lex?"

She pulled me away then elbowed me "I saw how you looked at Jesse! You like him don't you" My face started turning red I then faced the duel.



"Since I'm the richer one I'll start! I activate my 'lucky cloud' so now if I'm lucky enough to draw, two of the same monsters. Then get this I can draw two new cards."

"Hey it looks like the clouds are lifting, but I'm going to have to change that, by playing 'summon cloud'" "Lame!"

"Don't knock it till you see what It can do, cause I get to summon two new monsters. So next I play theses two cloudin sheep clouds!"

"They look so cute!" "You good their lu?" When I realized what I said my face went red and I covered my mouth. "And they both have the same name, so that means I get to draw two cards thanks to my lucky cloud spell."

Adrian drew his two cards "I'd never seen cards like that" "this gives having your head in the clouds a cool meaning!"

"Looks like a lot of bluffs to me!" I looked over at Jesse seeing he was eyeing me down *he looks worried but why?*

"I play this! 'Different dimension hanger!' This magic card allows me to draw three Union monsters from my deck! Once I remove them from play, the fun can begin!" He summoned "V-Tiger jet" and he brought back "W-Wing catapult"

"Now I'll combine them! In order to form, VW-Tiger Catapult!" "Not bad, but is it enough"

"You may have a bunch of clouds! But I got the perfect storm!"

"I discard one card from my hand, switching your monster to attack mode! This should clear the air!" *now he can inflict battle damage unless that monster has an ability*

"Next I'll activate ' premature barrier' spell for 800 life points, I can resurrect a card. Like my X-Head Cannon!"

"And Thanks to its special effect, I can also summon Y-Dragon Head and Z-Metal Tank! And next, I'll combine them!" His monsters formed "XYZ-Dragon Cannon"

"Have you heard the latest weather report! They say this cloud cover going to break!" His monsters fired at Adrian's monsters


"Chazz is kicking butt out there, and he hasn't even played his Ojama's!" "I thought you said those were his favourite cards?"

"They are! But they have this love-hate thing" "he hates his monsters? Sheesh, that boy gots some issues"

The sky started to clear up again, then I noticed four more clouds on Adrian's field. "Hey!" "Wondering how I went to two clouds to four!? All I had to do is, sacrifice my cloud!"

"Summoning all your dust bunnies you want, cause my next card is five cards in one!" "No way is he doing what I think he's doing!?" I looked over at Syrus wondering what he meant, what is Thai's guy going to summon?

"I fuse ZW-Catapult and XYZ-Dragon Tank to form 'VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon!'" "That's there's some heavy metal!"

"Now for my monsters special effect! Once every turn I remove a card from your field, like your clouds" "not quite, cloud tokens can't be count as cards."

"Thanks for the tip! But I meant that one!" He pointed at his spell 'summon cloud' "what's wrong, can't you see gray skies are going to clear up! Cmon put on a happy face."

"Guess What Guys, you're not going to believe this but I'm actually rooting for Chazz!" "Get it right sy don't you mean 'the Chazz!'"

I looked at Alexis wondering why they call him that. "Ya haven't you two noticed, the Chazz spends the majority of his time, thinking of ways he's cooler than everyone else! He even made up His own cheer!"

Syrus suddenly started saying "Chazz it up" over and over again, I looked over at Jesse the back at the duel.

Chazz ended his turn with a face down. *Adrian's smiling!? He must have a plan to defeat Chazz if he's smiling*

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