Luna Vs Viper!

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I was still sleeping as for Jaden and Jesse they were both awake "what! She's duelling viper!" "Yup, she wants to duel him! We have to let her, she's basically the only one who can"

Jaden looked over at me he started to worry, he then moved a piece of my hair aside "well...let's make sure to be by her side"

"Jaden!" "Your okay" "take this jay I carried it for hours!" Jesse then put a finger to his lips and pointed at me.

"Try talking quieter will ya, we don't want to wake up her highness here" Jaden drank some of the water then handed it to Jesse "Luna cmon it's time to wake up"

I woke up seeing everyone here "hmm...t...Thanks..." I drank the rest of it and stood up while Alexis and syrus helped Jaden and Jim and hassleberry helped Jesse.

"So what happened?" "Jesse was duelling a guy named trapper who captured me and other spirits, after the duel trapper just disappeared"

"You mean he went into thin air?" I nodded my head "alrighty then, let's go find viper I'm going to give him a piece of my mind if he thinks he can hurt my friends like that!"

I headed towards the door without thinking "is she going to duel him all by herself mates?" "Yup! But we'll be there to support her!"

~time skip~

*luna you and viper are going to have so much fun duelling, I'll be happy to take you as my vessel* I didn't know what the voice was talking about how did it know about viper?

"So uh lu...what's the plan here?" "Easy take down viper, what other plan is there..." the others got worried just then the doors started closing.

"Cmon crew!" We all started running for our lives until we got to a stop we can rest "okay...someone else is here...and they st off explosions!"

"We just need to get through there and were in the clear!" The door started closing fast, just then someone came from the celling and stopped the door from closing.

It was axel Brody "hurry! You guys your running out of time!" I started running toward the door going through it "I'm going to make sure everyone gets through axel!"

They all started heading towards us "cmon guys we don't have much time these door won't hold for long..." almost everyone was through but Jaden didn't want to leave axel behind.

"Guys get Jaden through I'll try and keep the door open for as long as I can!" I placed down a stick and extended it to make the door stop "Cmon jay! Hurry!"

The door closed with everyone though but axel!
"Where's axel he was right behind me" "he stayed behind, only you came though!"

"Axels helping us won't be in vain Jaden, once viper is taken down we can look for him!" Jaden nodded his head then got up "good luck Luna, we'll all be here to support you!"

I looked over seeing a path I saw a light coming from it "Alright viper time to see whatcha up to!"

~time skip~

We got to an area viper was waiting at one end of it "hello miss Luna! It's good to finally meet you!"

I looked at his arm it looked like he made a contract to a demon "that arm viper, you made a deal with someone didn't you!" Everyone was wondering how I'm knowing this stuff.

"Your a smart one aren't cha! But talk is cheep we can do that by duelling miss heart!" He activated his duel disk "Alright then!"



"Lady's first! I'll start by activating the spell pot of duality I get to look at the three top cards of my deck and pick one then the rest is shuffled!"

I picked one of the cards and shuffled the rest "next I summon baby dragon in defence mode and end with two face downs!"

"I'll summon 'venom snake!'" "I don't think so viper I activate my trap 'ring of destruction' you can say bye to your snake friend!"

"Way to play lu!" I blushed when Jesse cheered me one "two face downs then I activate my 'venom swamp!' Welcome to the muk, all monster that are non-venom are poison staring with your baby dragon, each bite he loses 500 attack!"


"You haven't gotten rid of my dragon but the next one will be a blast! I activate polymerization to fuse the five dragons I have in my hand fire,dark,earth,water and wind! To form the most powerful dragon! Five headed dragon!"

(ATK:5000 DEF:5000)

"Viper your finished cause when Luna attacks there goes your life points" "Easy there partner,
Remember he has his face downs and this field spell!"


"I'll end it there with two face downs your move viper!" "I'll summon my 'venom serpent' and place one facedown!"

*what are you planning There viper?* I drew my card then looked at my friends "what's up
Lu? Something wrong?" "N...No...i just thought I heard someone..."

I turned back around worried "Alright! I'll play 'lord of D!' Then I'll use the spell 'flute of summoning dragons' I'll summon 'dwarf star dragon planet' and 'light and darkness dragon!'"


Just then I heard my friends scream "anyone here a snake charmer!?" "Slade! Help them out pal! As for you viper! Your finished light and darkness attack his serpent!"


"Star dragon! Attack him directly!"


"Five headed dragon, finish this with element flare!"


The duel ended and the field spell left "you guys alright?" "Yup, luna,your bio band!" A light drained me of my duel energy it took a lot of it.

The others ran to my side and helped me up "what is that thing...?" I pointed at the glowing person standing in front of viper.

"'s me" "my son..." the glowing person laughed " bad you failed me viper!" It started glowing.

Once we opened our eyes viper was gone so was that glowing person "uhh...guys...why is there sand!?" Everyone looked seeing nothing but sand and duel academy.

"W...What happened!"

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