A Student Vs His Mentor

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"The game of duel monsters can trace its origins to what ancient civilization? Anyone?" I raser my hand to answer the question.

"The Egyptian sir!" "Correct miss heart...when did this occur? Luna how many years ago was it?" "5000 years ago!"

"And the pharaohs name was?" "The pharaohs name was Atem" "good job miss heart! To save man kind he had to face?"

I kinda hesitated but still rose my hand "was it...thief king bakura?" "Correct everyone else please answer the next questions for homework dismissed"

I grabbed my stuff and headed to the others

~time skip~

"They turned the school gym into an infirmary! This is getting out of hand!" "You said it half pint, these students were dropping faster like cow pies!" I noticed the others worrying about the conditions of every student here.

"Viper...What is you game..." I walked over to the others I tapped Alexis's shoulder "Hey lu done with class?" "Yup, it was awesome our teacher was cool"

They were all confused why I even bother going to class "lu that teacher is boring, you were the only one that went..." "I know but still, I love learning and it was about what happens 5000 years ago!"

They all saw how happy I was "your such a dork you know that" "take that back Anderson!"

"Make me Princess dork!" "THATS IT!"

~time skip~

Are you kidding! What do you mean he's gone!?" "I mean he just up and left! He hit the high road! Pounded the pavement!"

"Why would be leave at a time like this! Students are suddenly getting injured because of these stupid bio bands!" "Who do you think can stop it!?"

Jesse pointed at both Crowley and bonapart "that's right boys time for you to step up to the plate! Things are getting out of hand, your the grown ups here right!? Do something grownup-ish!"

Both teachers just didn't want to help, I couldn't stand doing nothing. "Vipers the problem! Didn't you two figure it out!?"

"Of course we did only an invincible wouldn't know that! We were about to suggest you go find him!" "That's right and we'll stay right here, in case Sheppard comes back hehe..."

Then miss fontaine came in with news "it's Adrian! Some how he just woke up!" We all looked over at her "what! Let's go see him!"

Everyone ran out but me "you coming lu?" "No...I'm going after viper...I just can't stand doing nothing..." Jesse understood and went with the others.

~time skip~

Jaden's POV

"Talk about a quick recovery! Which I can say the same for Chazz..." "unlike him, it takes a lot to keep my down, Jaden I figured out what's causing all this! Our bio bands!"

"I thought so!" "Ya! But there's more! I did some research, vipers not just draining our energy to be weak, I know this sounds crazy but the evidence I found. He's collecting out energy and storing it somewhere!"

"Hey Jim that might explain those wired vibes you've been picking up?" "Well that settles it soldiers time to locate the enemy!"

"I can make that real easy for ya, a few nights ago I saw viper and Brody walking around in the woods, I followed them until they disappeared in some abandoned laboratory!"

"We know that place..." "the same lab where you battled that monkey! Man was that a weird episode! So I don't get it why does viper wanna go there?"

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