Dark World Army part:1

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We were all staring at a giant door, it was a way out of this dimension and it'll take us to the next one of course Jaden wants to find Jesse still but for me, I've found him but I can't tell them cause if I do Jesse will be hurt.

"That's got to be the biggest door I've ever seen" Said syrus "ya, I wonder what it's trying to keep in?" Asked Jim "don't cha mean keep our?" Asked Atticus

"He's right maybe we shouldn't! I mean we don't even know if Jesses in this world right jay? Right lu?" Asked syrus

"Okay maybe I should say this before we go through" I Said, everyone looked at me even Jaden "what is it lu?" Asked Jaden "I can feel the crystal beasts, they feel really far away but I know it's the crystal beasts" I Said

"Then, jesse is in this world" Said Jaden as I nodded my head we all went through the door seeing a world full of sand and broken down building.

"This is looks really beat up! What happened here?" I asked "who knows, this place is a ghost town" Answered Alexis

"Look up there" Said Alexis "is that a shooting star?" Asked Atticus "I think it's a comet" Said syrus, I looked over at him seeing something was up.

Then Jim suddenly screamed " whoa Jim! Your alright?" I asked "I'm fine, just got a bit wobbly there for a sec! Must've looked up to fast" said Jim

I didn't by it, I knew something was up "Hey guys maybe we should look around there might be someone here that was left behind or even a clue of where everyone left" I suggested "good idea, let's all split up and meet back here got it!" Said axel

I was looking around with Atticus "So uh Luna...if we can't find Jesse why don't you become my girlfriend instead!" Said Atticus "we will find Jesse, and that is a big fat NO!" I Said

I felt something in the air it made me feel uneasy "whoa you okay there sport?" Atticus Asked "ya...I just felt something like...something or someone is watching us" I Answered

"Hey guys! Jaden and axel found something then ran off! Let's go find them and give them a hand!" Said Alexis

~time skip~

When we all got to axel and Jaden we saw that Jaden was duelling "Jaden! Axel what's happening why is he duelling?" I asked "what this? Another warrior! Must take Amethyst eyes girl back to master she'll be fit to be leader for army!" The monster said

"I'm going to finish this! Neo's finish him off! Cosmic crash!" Said jaden as his Neo's attacked and ended the duel, then he went to the stars

"Why was he after strong warriors?" I asked "I don't know but, good thing it didn't let Jaden go to the stars" Said Alexis

"Kai!" Said a soldier "sir free!" Said the kid, I saw what looked to me a knight "your not to be out here alone! Now sir while I sit for a Just punishment for you!" Said free

"I only wanted...." Said the kid "Easy now blonde!" Said jaden "Who are you?" Asked free "I'm the guy who saved that kid! And who are you!" Said jaden.

"Never you mind! Now you must be on your way!" Said free "we're not going anywhere! We want some answers now!" Said hassleberry "were kinda new around here" Said syrus

"I gather, they will come looking for us" Said free "uh who will?" Asked jaden "the dark world army!" Said free, then we heard them coming "is that...the dark army..." I said worried

"Yup! Cmon we take you some place safe away from army" Said free

~time skip~

Sir free was leading us to where they were hiding "Amethyst girl" Said free "the names Luna sir" I said "Luna, I can see potential in your heart would you accept my offer of becoming a knight?" Asked free

"A knight?" I asked, We then stopped at another door he opened it revealing a room with people in it.

"Kial! Must you give me worst to fear!" Said the women "I'm sorry sis..." said Kia "you mustn't be caught by the eye of zer! Obey sir freed do you understand?" Asked the lady.

He then pulled up the picture he got from there home "huh? What's this?" Asked his sister "I went to our house...what remains..." Kia Said "father...huh? And who are they?" Asked the women

"I was attacked by a fiend, boy in red saved me" Said kai "I see, I'm great full! But are you not of this world?" Asked the girl "that's right Miss...we were brought here...by a portal" I answered

"I shall tell you what we know. One morning, we awoke to find out village in this sunless dimension" said the women "how'd ya get here?" Asked jaden "we don't know...before we had time to understand, we were attacked by the army of dark fiends! In our world these creatures of creatures of legend, but here there real!" Said the women

~time skip again~

I was sitting with sir freed talking about what he was asking me "sir freed, why do you want me to become a knight?" I asked "I can see you want to help your friends and find the one you love that is named Jesse right?" Asked freed

I nodded my head "you want to protect them and save them from danger, you have no flaws in your heart! So what do you say miss?"

I looked at him then at the others "if it makes me protect them...then I'll become a knight" I said, he then smiled "glad to hear it, come with me I'll get you suited up" he said as I followed him to a room with armour.

~Time Skip~

"Has anyone seen Jaden?" Asked Alexis "wasn't he with you guys?" Asked Axel "he was but now he's gone! I think he went out" Said Atticus "out there! He's a fool if he's going out there if the light of the comet is still bright! We must leave!" Said sir freed

"Everyone pack up! We must leave now!" Ordered sir freed as everyone got up grabbed there things and headed out the door "wait wheres Luna?" Asked hassleberry

"I'm right here guys..." I Said "whoa Luna...you look" Said Jim "stop staring k! I had to fix it up so then it's my style, but now we must find Jaden and help him! Sir freed will lead them out and I'll lead you guys to Jaden got it!" I Said as I left the room.

*there such fools...jaden thinks Jesses there! Jesses safe with yubel...once you guys meet! It'll get even more fun for me and yubel!*

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