Duel Against Marcel Part:1

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"How ya holding up Jess?" I asked "fine I guess..." answered Jesse I leaned in closer making him blush

"So Jaden has to reach Marcel
Within 30 minutes?" Asked Alexis "Yup and if he doesn't then our friends will be gone forever" answered axel

"He's right so we better find that rainbow dragon" Said hassleberry "and figure out how to unlock its power" Said bastion

"So Bastion whatcha reckon? You think this card will get us home?" Asked Jim "after all how long it took to get it...it better" Said hassleberry.

"Jaden this duel must be a trap! We can't trust this guy!" Said Alexis "I'd say she got a valid point there mate" said Jim "do we have a choice? He's got the upper hand now! So it looks like we're going to play by his rules!" Said axel

"But he doesn't play far..." Alexis said worried "lu what's up?" Asked Alexis "I think, I know how we can open up that portal!" I answered "well then spit it out gem!" Said Jesse

"We all know that Marcel now and be sacred beasts, and we'll soon have the rainbow dragon! If both beasts go up against each other in a duel..."

"Then we can create enough duel energy to open up the portal! Good thinking Luna!" Said bastion, I could hear duel ghouls coming our way.

"Wind-up snail give us some defence!" I Said as I summoned my snail (DEF:2000)

"Let's get a move on, Jaden will duel Marcel until Jesse gets the rainbow dragon card!" I Said as I stood up "me Jesse and Luna will got get the card the rest of you stay here and help Jaden got it!" Said axel

They all nodded there heads in agreement "company it's time to duel for ghouls!" Said Jim "there coming down this tunnel to!" Said hassleberry

"Can we escape through that tunnel axel?" Asked hassleberry "no dice, were surrounded!"
Answered axel "it's an ambush! Get ready, cause we gotta get Jaden to that duel before time runs out!" Said hassleberry

"At least we got a game plan now!" Said bastion "a lot of good that is! Cause it's game over if we don't escape!" Said hassleberry

"Those duel ghouls are closin in fast" Said hassleberry "let's get outta here!" Said Jim "agreed! Jesse once we get to the surface, you axel and Lina gotta find the rainbow dragon card!" Said Jaden "will do!" Said Jesse

"Guys we got no time to lose!so get ready to get your game on!" Yelled Axel "time to ram on through fall in behind me!" Said hassleberry as he summoned a monster "we'll do it together I'll cover our backs!" Said Alexis

"And I'll back that up! Alright gang, let's show these ghouls how to duel!" Said Jim "you heard the man! Charge!" Said hassleberry

We all started running the other tunnels "keep going I'll huddle these guys off!" Said Jim "be careful!" Said Alexis

"Say good day to my fossil warrior skull knight!"

~on the surface~

"Check it out That's were we gotta go!" Said Jaden "ancient gear golem twelve o-clock!" Said bastion "that's soldiers no match for my black trousertops" Said hassleberry

"Now you three go!" Said hassleberry

~with me Jesse and axel~

"Wind-up bat! And wind-up honeybee! Give us some help on finding rainbow dragon!" I Said as me and Jesse summoned both our monsters "oh no! Cobalt,bat honeybee look out!" I yelled as axel shot both of those monsters down.

"Nice!" Said Jesse "let's go!" Said axel "Okay" Said Jesse

"Hey lu, have any other monsters that might help?" Asked Axel "Hmm...how about my wind-up dog?" I asked "why not, we could use a good sniffer hound on our side!" Said axel

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