Adrain Vs Aster Part:2

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Echo was still walking towards the light "No! Echo! Stop! You can't let him use your duel energy!" Said Aster "please miss echo listen to him! What you are going to do may have repracutions! Do not do this!" Said Crowler

"I don't think she's stopping for anybody! Her minds made up!" Said Zane "and it's not changing!" Said Jaden

"How could you ask this of your friend Adrain! Don't you know what will happen to her!" Said Aster "your a croule man Adrian! You shouldn't have to sacrifice your friends just for a stupid Card!" I yelled

"Like your any better Miss heart!" Said Adrian, echo then stopped and looked at Adrian "w...what are you talking about.." I asked "your family is the reason why I'm doing this! Your family made me realize that all I need is power!" Said Adrian

"They told me and my parents that we would get married! But after the unfortunate fate of your sister Jessica! They didn't think you would make me happy!" Said Adrian "Don't you dare bring my sister in this! My family did nothing to yours! All they did was abuse me and make you and Jessica feel happy!" I yelled with tears in my eyes.

"You don't know what it's like to be alone all the time! I thought I had someone I could trust..then they sacrificed themselves to bring us home! Look how it's turning out now gecko! If yubel never came none of this would've happened!" I yelled

" were always alone at duel academy, why didn't you try and make friends?" Asked Jaden "the last time I had a friend they betrayed me...they said they didn't want to see me because I was better at duelling!" I Said

"Okay would you shut up! Me and Aster here have a duel to finish" Said Adrian, echo then stepped into the light and stood still

Then a hand popped out from the little door and grabbed echo, she made a terrifying scream "Adrian! Stop it!" Yelled Aster "The ritual of the forbidden lord has already been activated! There is not stopping it now! My destiny is to rule this world and this duel will give me the power I need!" Said Adrian

"Forget it! Cause as far as I'm concerned! This duels over got it!" Said Aster "I'm afraid not! Your not back at duel academy! You can't stop a duel! We must duel until one of us has become one with the stars!" Said Adrian

I whipped my tears away and looked over at echo than at Adrian "part of my rituals effect I can send all forbidden one cards from my grave to my deck" Said Adrian

"But my force of four spell put a stop to exodia!" Said Aster "for the time being! Now I'll sacrifice two forbidden one cards to summon exodious the ultimate forbidden lord!" Said Adrian

"Exodious!" Said Aster


"Exactly! Think of him as exodias distant cousin!" Said Adrian "this can't be good! If aster doesn't find a way to defeat Adrian's monster than he's done for!" I Said scared.

"My exodious cannot be destroyed and my exodious is ineffective by spells, traps and monster effects!" Said Adrian

"You gotta be joking!" Said Aster "well I hope your ready for the punch line! His attack points are equal to he number of cards that have forbidden one in its name! Than that number is multiplied by 1000!" Said Adrian


Echo than let out another scream, her duel energy was being absorbed by exodia

"Now exodious! Time to power you up! See whenever exodious is about to attack if I happen to have a card in my hand that has the name forbidden one in it! I can then remove that card and send it directly to my graveyard! And with that my exodious gains another 1000 attack points!" Said Adrian

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