Aster Vs Adrain Part:1

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"I couldn't found any water sorry guys..." I said "it's fine" Said aster "hows jaden?" I Asked "still resting" Said Zane, then Jaden woke up scared

"You okay Jaden?" Asked Zane "I don't know...I just had the scariest dream" Said jaden "no kidding! You woke up screaming" Said aster

"Hey...where's axel...where's Jim? It wasn't a was all real! I sent them away! How...How could I do that!" Said jaden "Easy now Jaden, you were the supreme kings puppet! The darkness inside you took control" Said aster

"But I let it take over! Cause I was weak!" Said jaden "well the darkness is gone now! But your friend Jesse isn't! I know your upset and all, but right now your friends need you to get it together so then we can find Jesse!" Said aster

"Friends? Ya right! Who would ever want to be friends with me" Said jaden, *i know how you feel jaden...but, we're your friends and we're here to support you all the way...*

I looked at the ground, sitting under this tree reminds me so much of Jesse and I


Me and Jesse were sitting under a tree studying for our history test but I have fallen asleep on Jesses shoulder

"Luna? Hey Luna?" Said Jesse poking me, he then giggled "you must be tired from that duel earlier..." Said Jesse "I wish...I could tell you how I feel Luna...but I can't, I don't know if you'll like me back..." Said Jesse

~end of flashback~

"You alright there lu? You've been dozing off a lot?" Asked syrus "ya I'm fine...just missing Jesse that's all" I Said with a sad tone "we two are a thing correct?" Asked aster

"Yup...!" I Said, I then felt a slight burn in my chest "lady Luna! Are you alright?" Asked obsidian "I'm fine Sidi, just a small chest burn that's all" I Said, I then heard screaming coming towards us.

"Is that crowler?" I asked "I believe so Luna" Said aster, I smiled then jumped down "ready sidi!" I Said as sidi nodded his head

I activated Gem-Knight Fusion to fuse three gem knights in my hand to form "Gem-knight lady diamond! Help them out and take down those bulls!" I Said

"Righty do mistress!" Said diamond "ya two okay?" I asked "Miss heart! Aster! Zane! It's so good to see a familiar faces around here!" Said Crowler

"Who is that?" Asked aster "That's miss echo! She was with me at the academy! And that portal opened at we were both sucked into the big light" Said crowler

"Well welcome to no where! Syrus is just over there! And we manage to hook up with Jaden to" Said aster, I glanced over at echo I then pulled out the note I found back at the sub as I read it, it had echos name on it.

~time skip~

It was night Aster, Zane, and Crowler were talking about what happened to Jaden and
Everyone else.

For me I was on the other side of the tree making sure no one could see me *my dear, the time has almost come! Soon Jaden will suffer the same way I did!*

Just then some wired fog appeared "what is this?" I asked as I walked back to the others "I'm feeling something wired Guys!" I Said

"What is this?" Asked aster "Jaden!" Said aster running towards Jaden "Zane watch the others" Said aster "Miss Echo! Come over here I'll protect you!" Said crowler

"Then I'm going to help aster!" Said Zane running towards Jaden "wait!" Said crowler, then a wired energy came out teleporting us somewhere

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