Dark World Army Part:2

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~outside with me and the others but Jaden~

"Hey guys...Luna seems out of it lately" Said Atticus "your right, you think she's thinking about you know who?" Asked Axel "probably...I mean, he is Luna's boyfriend after all and..." said syrus

"You Guys mind changing the subject! I don't wanna talk about that right now!" I yelled "Okay is it just me or did Luna get really scary!" Cried syrus

*sorry you guys but...I have to stay focus on my real task at hand and help yubel and save Jesse...*

"Hey Luna umm...how far is it?" Alexis asked "freed told me where it is, we are going the right way" I answered, I then noticed something was wrong "stop...and don't move someone's here" I said as they stopped

~time skip~

"It's my move! And I play 'Gene-Warped Warwolf' in Attack mode!" Said the creature


"Your turn boy" said the creature "ok zer! Watch this! I play the spell card fake hero! So I can summon this this 'EH.Neo's'" Said Jaden

(ATK: 2500)

"Since he was summoned by fake hero he can't attack, but at the end of my turn" Said jaden "he goes back to your hand right! What a waste of a draw how pathetic!" Said the creature.

"We'll see about that! Now I play my glow moss!" Said jaden "A Neo Spacian but those!"

"Can be fused with this! Contact Fusion! Now I can summon out my 'EH.glow Neo's'" Said jaden


"And next up I play the field spell 'Neo's Space'" Said Jaden as his field spell activated "thanks to its effect my glow Neo's get 500 more Attack points!"


"It's to powerful!" Said the zer "your little warwolf gets sent to the pound! Go lighting strike!" Said jaden


"Shocking isn't it!" Said jaden "it's my turn! And I'm playing the field spell 'power zone!'" Said zer as his field spell destroyed Neo's space and surrounded them.

"With power zone in play! Neo's loses all his extra points! Then any time your monster is destroyed you take damage to your monsters original attack points! And now I'm playing power enialater!" Said zer, he then attacked Jaden's monster

"Hold on! Neo's is way stronger than that!" Said jaden


"It can't!"

"Yes it can! See if your monster had less attack points then my enialater would lose 1000 if it's life points! However Neo's has more! It gains 1000!" Said zer as his monster destroyed glow Neo's.


"And thanks to power zone! Your life points gets drained by 2500!"


"Cause next I play the spell 'power spirit!' In order for this to take affect all I need to do is sacrifice 1000 of my life points! Then your monster can only attack if your monster has 1000 more points than mine!" Said zer as he ended his turn with a facedown

Then zers soldiers came in with Jaden's friends "huh! Oh no!" Said Jaden "hello..." Said syrus "why did you guys follow me?!" Said jaden

"Well ah..."

"Duh! We felt like getting captured" Said Chazz "were you know..."

"Sorry..." Said Alexis "you've arrived just in time! You can watch your friend lose!" Said zer "Sorry zer! Think again!" Said jaden

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