Duel against the nurse

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Once we got back, we all headed to the infirmary to give miss fountain the first aid kit and the rest of the supplies.

On out way there I heard sone wired sounds "Hey guys...do you hear that?" They all turned to me seeing I was scared "hear what lu? I don't hear anything"

It was really quiet "look there's somebody" when he asked Jaden to duel him I saw how baggy his eyes were. "W...were surrounded! There like zombies!" "Zombie, that only happens on the movies"

"Ya they just wanna duel real bad" "you guys make a run for it I'll keep them busy!" I said stepping up to the plate Jaden looked at me worried

"But lu..." "Not buts jay! Go now!" I said as I activated my duel disk "let's get a move on then, if your still alive lu you know where to find us" said Jesse

"I'll summon my doom king it Attack mode!" "Luna stop! Don't duel them!" I turned seeing Alexis and hassleberry "Cmon lu,we can explain later right now we gotta get outta here!"

Alexis said while running I followed after them "Lex let's find the others! They headed towards the infirmary!" I said while running

~time skip~

I was with miss fountain helping her protect Blair while Alexis and hessleberry helped the others get here. "There not here yet...I'm getting kinda worried..." I said with a worried tone one of the duel ghouls got in miss fountain tried to protect Blair but couldn't

I went over to helping miss fountain I picked up a DPA and tried to call someone "hello please answer...if anyone can hear me please hurry!"

"Luna is that you?! I'm so glad your okay!" I heard Jaden's voice I was relieved "Jaden! Are far away are you?" "Not to far don't worry lu were on our way just hang in there!"

I turned off my DPA and sighed "Luna it's me your old friend don't you remember me?" It was that voice again.

I looked over at miss fountain seeing she was duelling, I was protecting Blair the best I could, I looked over at miss fountain seeing she was turned.

I got scared I went to the other corner trying to keep my distance I then heard voices "hey Luna miss fountain? You in here?"

It was Jaden and Jesse I was so relieved they were safe "you guys she's been turned!" Miss fountain turned facing both Jesse and Jaden "Lu come over here so we can keep you safe"

Said Jesse I quickly crawled over there and hid behind them "be careful jay..." I said worried, if this doesn't play well Jaden might be a duel ghoul.



"My draw! And I summon my nurse 'dark lord nurse' I'll end with two facedown's your move Jaden" (ATK:1400)

I noticed Blair wasn't looking to good I slowly started crawling my way towards her "Alright then I go! Now check this out I play 'polymerization' now I'll fuse avian and burststinatrix and form flame wing man!"


"The ceilings falling apart!" Said Jaden "I'll take care of Blair!" Jesse said running towards Blair and almost getting hit by fountain.

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