Rainbow Tablet Part:2

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"Alright Jesse, I hope your ready to duel!" Said Zane "you know it!" Said Jesse "now remember what Eisenstein Said this duel has to create enough energy to expand the portal between our two worlds, so then we can send you the rainbow dragon card!" Said Zane

"Let's get our game on!" Said Jesse "please be careful Jess..." I whispered, I felt Alexis put her hand on my shoulder "don't worry he'll be fine" Said Alexis

The duel started

"I play the spell graceful charity! Which allows me to draw three cards from my deck and discarded two from my hand, now I summon proto cyber dragon then next I activate the spell overload fusion! This allows me to remove any fusion material from my field or grave yard then I can summon a machine type monster!" Said Zane

He removed his cyber phoenix, cyber oroberous and his proto dragon to summon "kymara over-tech dragon" "by sacrificing those three monsters my kymaratach gets 1800 attack points for each one!"


"Now my dragon can attack you three times per round" Said Zane "umm...did you say three attacks per round!?" Said Jesse "and there's more from removing a card from play I can send a card from my graveyard and draw! I play 'future fusion' with this if I send fusion monsters over to my grave yard when I'm in my second stand by phase I can then summon 'cyber end dragon'" Said Zane

"I hope Jesses up for this duel" Said hassleberry "I'm sure hope he is..." said bonapart "Hey! Stop worrying about Jesse! We gotta make sure no ghouls get in!" Said axel

"I'll help axel!" I Said "I gotta hand it to ya Zane! You see I heard you were good but so far you were great! Your cyber end dragon is going to be quiet the challenge hope you don't lose before I get a chance to take it down!" Said Jesse

"How dare you talk to me that way! Hope that deck of yours can back it up! Now let's see what your made of!" Said Zane "you want it then you got it! I summon 'CB. Amethyst cat'" Said Jesse (ATK:1200)

"Now I play the spell card 'crystal release' which gives my kitty some extra claws as in 800 additional attack points! Check this out thanks to her special ability if I slice her attack points she can attack you directly!" Said Jesse


"I place this facedown and end my turn" Said Jesse "please, I doubt any facedown you have can stop this, I fuse my cyber dark horn, dark Kyle and dark edge! And now I'll create cyber dark dragon! With his special ability if there's a dragon in my grave yard he can absorb his attack points so that means cyber dark dragons attack increased!" Said Zane


"And then for every monster in my grave he gains another 100 points!" Said Zane

"Cyber dark dragon! Attack with dark cyber stream!" Yelled Zane


"Jesse!" I yelled "what an energy spike!" Said bastion "up there! What is it!?" Asked Alexis "that attack has triggered something! The portal I believe it is beginning to widened!" Said bastion

"With my amethyst cat destroyed It become a crystal in my S/T card zone, and cause cyber dark dragon destroyed crystal release I'm allowed to search my deck for another crystal like ruby!" Said Jesse

"Those won't help! Nothing can stop my attacks, after all your wide open! Kymara dragon attack!" Said Zane

"This sure won't be pretty" Said Alexis "don't forget this attack is for your own good" Said Zane

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