Chapter 5

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Kidi - Odo
Eniola's POV
The next morning, I woke up at 5:30 am which was way too early for me, I popped my bones here and there to get comfortable, I didn't like the morning taste in my mouth, I got off the bed and strutted in to the bathroom washing my face and brushed my teeth and tongue after. And not to forget I take my #2 in the morning so I won't experience any discomfort throughout my day.
I walked back to the bedroom and decided to turn on the flat screen TV and tune in to some early morning Greek soap opera called 'Erotas' It's been aired from 2005 to 2008.
The show started playing, there were no subtitles which is fine by me because I learned how to speak and understand Greek when my Dad told me to start learning it because this is where most of his business deals will be taking place when he retires from being CEO and passes it down to me; which was a year ago.
Fast forward to a few hours later, it's now 7:30 am.
I turned off the TV and went into the bathroom to take a shower to start my day. After getting ready, I opened the door of my bedroom to go to the breakfast buffet but the problem is that I have no idea where it is located in the hotel.
I saw a young man who looked like he was 19 wearing the staff uniform carrying a tray of leftovers probably from a guest that had room service, I decided to stop him and ask directions from him.
"Με συγχωρείτε, ξέρεις τυχαία πού είναι η τραπεζαρία?" Translation: Excuse me, do you by chance know where the dining hall is?
He looked surprised maybe this is his first time hearing a black woman speaking his native tongue fluently. He replaced his astonished expression smiling at me "Ναι, κυρία, κατευθύνω στην κουζίνα, αλλά θα μπορούσα να σας βοηθήσω στην τραπεζαρία." Translation: Yes Miss, I'm actually heading to the kitchen, but I could assist you to the dining hall. He gave me an honest smile while I returned it with a grateful smile.
We were walking together in an uncomfortable silence until I spoke
"ποιο είναι το όνομά σου?" Translation: What's your name? I ask him because I saw that we were nearing the dining hall.
"Το όνομά μου είναι Aegeus, Miss..." Translation: My name is Aegeus, Miss... He drawled out the last part because he also wanted to know my name
"Λοιπόν το όνομά μου είναι η Εniola, ο κ. Aegeus" Translation: Well my name is Eniola, Mr. Aegues
Έχετε ένα πολύ όμορφο όνομα Miss Eniola" Translation: You have a very beautiful name Miss Eniola Aegeus tells me while blush was creeping up his neck and his ears were pinkish red
"Σας ευχαριστώ Aegeus, αυτό είναι πολύ γλυκό από σας να πείτε" Translation: Thank you Aegeus, that's very sweet of you to say
"Είστε ευπρόσδεκτος η κυρία Eniola. Έχουμε φτάσει στην ελπίδα ότι έχετε μια υπέροχη διαμονή στο ξενοδοχείο μας και ελπίζω ότι θα διασχίσουμε μονοπάτια πάλι" Translation: You're welcome Miss Eniola. We have arrived, hope you have a great stay in our hotel and I hope we cross paths again. Aegeus outstretched his hand for me to shake while balancing the tray he was carrying on his other arm.
I shook his hand "Ελπίζω λοιπόν, κύριε Αιγέους, και για άλλη μια φορά να σας ευχαριστήσω που με διοικούσατε εδώ" Translation: I hope so Mr. Aegeus, and once again thank you for directing me here. I let go of his hand and watched as he walked off to the other direction to where I saw other staffs going in and out of.
I entered the dining hall and looked around because I wanted to seat somewhere far back with a nice view bright blue ocean with the morning sun reflecting over it making it look so picturesque.
I call a waitress and ordered eggs benedict with roasted tomatoes and eggplants, a turkey sandwich, fruits, orange juice and a hot cup of coffee.
I am famished so I'm going to get fed till I feel like I don't have the strength to get up for the next hour or so.

I am famished so I'm going to get fed till I feel like I don't have the strength to get up for the next hour or so

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After eating my breakfast, the waitress took the plates, I asked her not to take the fruits and coffee.
I sat there sipping while gazing outside the window, the sun shining over my face and I loved it.
I felt like I was being watched but I just shook off the feeling. Minutes later I felt the need to turn my attention to something or should I say someone.
I saw a man with dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, small pink lips and a pointy nose looking down at my seating form shyly rubbing the back of his neck while biting his bottom lip.
I was kind of freaked out, because a hot stranger who looks like he could be a Calvin Klein model is just standing where I'm sitting not saying a word. I decided to be nice
"Hello good morning" I smiled greeting him.

Hello y'all, I know this chapter was probably boring but you won't be disappointed tomorrow because I'm writing a longer and hopefully interesting chapter.
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