Chapter 34

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Rihanna - Consideration

                       Eniola's POV"Jane, I'm going to get straight to the point and ask what is your problem with me

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   Eniola's POV
"Jane, I'm going to get straight to the point and ask what is your problem with me. As far as I know, I haven't done a thing to you expect treat you with respect and you just throw it right back at my face. The last time I saw we saw each other you apologized for your prejudice towards me and can I be honest and say that was one of the most half-arsed apology I've ever very received. The only reason why I accepted was because of your son and I didn't want to cause any rift between a mother and her son. So,
please answer my questions honestly." I asked the infuriating woman who is my future mother in law.
I had invited her out to meet with me by a book store cafe near the gallery.
I was surprised she actually came because she didn't reply to the text message I sent her a few days ago.
Surprisingly she actually she actually came through after an hour and the half wait.
"I think you have ulterior motives towards my son." I rolled my eyes at the pathetic excuse for her intolerance.
"Jane, don't be a bigot. You assumptions about me start from the color of my skin and the race I belong to am I right?" She kept quiet looking away from my peering eyes.
"I want a valid reason for your hostility. If there's none. Quit the bullshit and stop trying to control Felix, he's not a kid anymore he's a grown man who can make his own decisions" Jane snapped her eyes to me with a look of displeasure marred on her petty face.
A waste of beauty, such a bitter-hearted woman, just so spiteful, not to forget a racist and she doesn't know it.
"Try anything and we'll see who's more worse. I promise it's not you. Believe me Jane, you really don't know me" I said smirking at the angered look on her face.
Such a waste of beauty, bitter-hearted, spiteful, not to forget a damn racist and she doesn't know it.
Jane shoulders slumped, she put her hand down in down in defeat.
"I don't care if your don't like me and I won't beg you to tolerate me. I'm marrying Felix whether you like it or not, the only thing you can do is sit back and let your son be happy. It's his life, you lived yours already. Now it's his turn." I utterly stunned when Jane nodded biting hard on her bottom lip.
"Wow, you're the first person to ever speak to me in such a manner. I needed that" She mumbled under her breath while playing with the black straw in her drink.
I think I might have humbled this woman.
"Jane, I don't want us to be antagonistic towards each other. We don't have to be friends or anything I just want us to be civil around each other. When I'm not in your presence, you can do as you please, badmouth about me all your want I wouldn't care. The only thing I care about is Felix's happiness and mine but mostly his." I pushed the chair out to get up and leave.
"Wait" Jane called putting stopping my movement.
"I think a sincere apology is in order. I'm sorry, I'm just very protective of him. Felix, is my pride and joy and I don't want him to get hurt" I sort of see where she's coming from.
Some parents just can't easily let go of their children. She thinks I'm trying to steal him away from her entirely, Jane is a tad bit too attached.
"Apology accepted and thanks for coming out to meet with me. I appreciate it, goodbye Jane or should I say mum" I said in a teasing tone.
"Don't push it" She said chuckling, I winked at her then made my way out of the café.
As I turned to the next street, I bumped into a muscular body and almost losing my balance but I quickly caught my stance.
I looked up to see the person I dread laying my eyes upon.
I sighed inaudibly, walking around him to continue back to my destination.
He grabbed my wrist pulling me back with a scary grin on his face.
I look
"James, please leave me alone. Why won't your just fuck off!" I whisper-yelled because I didn't want to raise any attention.
"Are your really going to marry that loser? I'm better than him, what does he have that I don't" I couldn't help the cackling that escaped my between my lips.
"Self-respect. James, don't you get it? I never liked you and I do not want you. Get that through your thick skull" I said poking my finger in his cheek causing him to back up a little.
"Felix, doesn't deserve you!" James shouted from the short distance between us.
"And you do?" That seemed to shut him up because he had nothing to say except he had a stupid confused look on his face.
"Exactly, didn't think so. Stay away from me and I mean it" I snarled at him before walking away.
"Fucking arsehole, who the bloody hell does he think he is!?" I huffed out my frustration as I walked into the air conditioned atmosphere of the gallery.
                        Felix's POV
"Hey Felix, what a coincidence" I dropped my fork back on my plate at the sound of the irritable voice of my ex.
I strained my neck up to see Pamela in a skimpy outfit as usual.
What did I even see in her? Was it her beauty, innocence, or it the fact that she was the only girl to give me a second glance.
I wasn't attractive at all in college, I was a loser, a nobody, a pushover no one knew my name but only recognized my face.
Pamela was very popular within the upperclassmen and I felt like she was out of my league when she asked me out.
I fell into her trap regardless of my friends telling me to be careful.
Pamela didn't bother asking if she could sit but still went on and say her stanky ass in front of me.
"I want you back. I think you've had enough of your black fetish fix. Tell me she's just a rebound to get me jealous?" She said sounding to sound flirty which made me cringe uncomfortably.
I sat back folding my arms on my chest.
"Oh what to do? Pamela, I very much prefer chocolate and a real woman now. One I know you'll never amount to" She grabbed the mason jar filled with lemonade ice tea I had ordered and was ready to throw it at me.
"I dare you" I sneered at her still holding the same smirk.
Pamela avoided my eyes contemplating whether she should go through with it or not.
She won't do it, she doesn't have the guts.
"Can you get lost, I'm was having a peaceful meal before you came around." I spoke rather rudely to the woman I used to have strong feelings for till she betray my trust.
"Felix, get over it! How many times do I have to apologize for a little mistake I made in the past? Let bygones be bygones. What do you say new beginnings?" The look of disgusting didn't surpass my facial expression.
"Pamela, this reminds me of the time I caught you years ago crying your eyes out and repeatedly said you love me say while sitting on my father's dick! If you knew it was going to hurt me, why'd you go and do in the first place? Huh, answer me?" Absolutely nothing just an embarrassed expression and a frown on her overly coated lips.
"Now, I've lost my appetite" I raised my hand indicating for a waiter.
I made eye contact with a female waitress and I mouthed for her to bring me the bill.
Soon, the bill was placed in front of me. I pulled out my wallet and payed for my lunch and gave an abundant tip to the waitress for her wonderful service.
I stood up buttoning you my suit jacket looking down on Pamela.
"Stay away from me and my fiancée or else I won't be held accountable for my actions." With those last few words I turned around to the restaurant's exit.

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