Chapter 24

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Mary Wells - My Guy
🎶 Nothing you could say could tear me away from my guy,
(My guy)
Nothing you could do 'cause I'm stuck like glue to my guy.
(My guy)
I'm sticking to my guy like a stamp to a letter,
Like birds of a feather, we stick together,
I'm tellin' you from the start I can't be torn apart from my guy. 🎶

                      Eniola's POV3 weeks later "Amir's wife is here harassing him again," Kemi said making me throw my head groaning as the chair rotated side to side

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             Eniola's POV
3 weeks later
"Amir's wife is here harassing him again," Kemi said making me throw my head groaning as the chair rotated side to side.
"Where are they right now?" I asked as I stood up fixing the wrinkles on my clothes.
"They're in the staff room," She told me as I walked around my desk heading for the door.
Amir is my second assistant, 24 years old. He got married at a young age due to him impregnating his then-girlfriend Jocelyn, now wife, when they were teens.
Their parents forced them to get married because they didn't want their grandchild born out of wedlock.
Jocelyn is way too controlling and not to mention abusive, mentally, physically and emotionally. I don't even know what Amir saw in her before he decided to have sex and impregnate the vile woman.
I feel so bad for that poor guy but he needs to grow a backbone. He should push her down a chair then get up in her face and talk shit to her face or something.
Their whole marriage is out of order, the wife had no type of respect for her husband and the husband is too scared to stand up to the wife.
Emerging into the staff room, I see Amir's light blue button-up T-shirt fisted in Jocelyn's hands.
As she screamed words at him switching from Spanish to English.
"Let go of him right now!" I said angrily walking towards the two.
"What is wrong with you? This is a workplace you can't be doing this here." You could hear the displeasure in my tone and see the irritation on my face.
"Jocelyn, this is the 7th time, fortunately, I and my coworkers have had enough of this. I'm going to ask you to leave now." I heard Kemi sternly state beside me.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Amir is that the bitch you're cheating on me on!?" Jocelyn yelled out questions making me wince at the high vocation in her voice.
"So insecure, Jocelyn you truly don't deserve him at all," Kemi said with an unreadable expression in her face staring at Amir who looked flustered yet surprised by her words.
"Ms. Jocelyn you are banned from coming into this establishment ever again, if I see you set foot in here again I will be pressing charges," I told the fuming woman who aggressively picked up her purse and exited the room banging the door shut.
Kemi blew out a deep breath placing her palm on her chest.
"Damn, she's intimidating. I did good right?" She asked smiling sheepishly.
I nod my head at her making my way towards Amir who sat on the one-seater suede sofa clutching his curly Afro muttering under his breath.
"Amir, I think it's time to get a divorce," I said patting his shoulder.
He rose his head up, laughing nervously with a subtle head nod.
"Yeah, I agree" Turning his head to look Kemi.
My eyes went back and forth between them, I sighed tiredly as I left the staff room leaving my two assistants to themselves.
"Let me call Felix and see what he's been up to," I said to myself excitedly as I pulled my phone out my jacket.
I scrolled through my contact list and dialed his number.
By the third ring, he picked up
"Hey, sweetheart how are you doing? Is everything alright at work?" Felix asked me concernedly, he's the sweetest.
"I was calling to hear your voice and I missed you," I said while biting my bottom lip in feeling shy all of a sudden.
"Babe, my mom wants to meet you tonight, it's ok if you're not ready" I rolled my eyes so far back in my head at his assumption.
"Oh stop it, of course, I'll love to meet your mother," I told him with a wide grin.
"Thank God! I thought you would have said no. I'm glad you agreed." He confessed sighing loudly along with a chuckle.
I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see James in front of me with a stupid smirk on his lips.
I groaned inwardly resisting the urge to roll my eyes at the sight of him.
"Honey, I'll call you back, I need to take care of something real quick" I spoke into the phone cutting off before Felix could say anything.
I directed my attention back to James
"How can I help you, Mr. Kristos?" I asked him with a fake smile.
"Nothing much, I just wanted to take you out for lunch."
I sighed stepping up to him, so we could see eye to eye, even though he's a few feet taller.
"I'm going to say this for the last time and only this time Mr. Kristos I'm going to ask you to fuck off, you've been harassing me for the past few weeks with your persistence and it's making me very uncomfortable. If you keep if bothering my peace I might have to place a restraining order on you. I'm in a happy relationship for fuck sake. I suggest you go find another woman who will appreciate all your attention. Have a good day" Once I saw the stunned expression on his face I stopped my ranting bidding him goodbye before walking around him back to my office.
I looked at the wall clock beside my desk to see the time was 1:22 pm, I decided to dismiss everyone by 5 pm.
That would give me time to get ready to get decent enough and buy a few gifts for Felix's mother.
I'm not wanting to impress her to like me or anything, I just want to make a good first impression on her.
I logged into my email and the first thing I saw was an invitation for my younger brother's early graduation in March and it's currently December.
Picking up my phone I decided to FaceTime both of them.
A few seconds later, their smiling faces popped on the screen, from what I could they were at different locations.
"Hey sis," They said in unison making all three of us laugh.
Not like it's anything new but it was always funny when they talked in unison, the perks of being twins.
"Hey bigheads, how are blokes doing?" I asked smiling widely.
"Everything is good but we miss you," Olu said making me place my hand on my heart.
"Aww, I miss you guys too. I saw the invite to your graduation. Do you guys want me to come?" They shook their heads negative.
"Why not?" I asked feeling sad they didn't want me to be there on their special day.
"Sis, we're just going ask for our diplomas the day before the graduation since we already booked our flights to go back home and start our lessons from the CEO that you hired, whilst still going to Lagos Business School we got accepted into that university. Remember that was our plan before you left." I nodded my head to what Ayo said.
He's not wrong, that's was our original plan. I hired a qualified person, who previously worked closely with my father and I trust him very much. We all called him uncle since my father deemed the man as a brother even though Damilare Adekunle was his CCO and closet friend when he was alive.
"I remember, but what's mum going to say about it?" I asked worriedly because she's been looking forward to her children's graduation.
"We all know she'll be angry for a few days but will get over it. She can't stay mad for too long it's her nature." Olu said making us chuckle because it's very true.
My dad used to tick her off purposely and sometimes by accident. Mum will get mad for a few hours or 2 days at least then, they'll make up. It was comically hilarious watching our parents quarrel even if it was only partially because Mum would argue while Dad stayed quiet listening and nodding, he knew not to mess with her.
We talked about random things and I even told them about Felix. They went into protective brothers mode on me. Mind you, I'm older than these two!
Time Skip...
"Kemi, come in here real quick," I told her through the intercom.
Seconds later she came in with Amir tailing behind her.
"I will be leaving the office now and you guys can dismiss everyone in an hour. I'm meeting the mother" Her mouth made an "O" shape as she nodded her head while Amir looked lost.
"And I want you to order some gifts and get a courier to bring them to my house before 6:30. Understood?" She nods in understanding then exited my office.
I stood up packing up my things and left to go shopping for an appropriate dress to meet the mother of my boyfriend.
Time Skip...
The courier already dropped off the gifts and I'm just waiting for Felix to get here.
As soon as I heard the bell ring, I jumped to my feet running to the door in my high inched red bottoms.
I opened the door wide, not allowing Felix to say any words I jumped his bones, wrapping my legs around his waist, I kissed him with everything in me.
"I see that I've been missed," He said with that sexy smirk which always seems to dampen my panties.
I shook my vigorously laughing as I slid down his body.
"True but don't push it," I said side-eyeing him.
Felix held up his hand in surrender
"Ready to go, babe?" He asked while assessing my appearance.
"Damn, you look good enough to eat. I'm being tempted to take you upstairs and ravish that delicious body" Felix said licking his lips.
"Boy bye" I waved my hand walking to the couch to get my purse and the gifts for his mother.
He took the items out of my hand, leading us out of the door. I locked it then walked over to his expensive-looking car.
Felix opened the doors for me and I muttered a thank you while getting in.
A few minutes into the drive he spoke up
"She's going to love just as much as I do. I promise." Felix said grinning ear to ear as he laid his large palm on my thigh rubbing it up and down.
I resisted the urge to moan due to how good it felt.
"We're almost there" I hummed looking outside the window.
We're still in Manhattan, she lives close, like 15 minutes away because there's always traffic in the city.
Felix pulled up to a mini-mansion, it looked like a normal townhouse you'll see around Manhattan.
He parked the car to the side of the road, got out and opened my door then taking out the gifts from the trunk giving me the items to hold.
He held my free hand as we walked up to the door, he knocked two times and it opened.
A blue-eyed beauty with voluminous blonde waves, cascading down her slender shoulders, wearing a gorgeous navy blue dress with silver heels.
She looked very posh, the definition of a respectable woman. This is Felix's mother, I'm assuming.
"Hey mom" He lets go of my hand to hug his mother.
Her eyes were on me while she embraced her son. I don't know why I felt alarmed when I saw the glint in them.
As I was about to introduce myself, his Mum Jane walked off to the side telling him to come with her.
I stood at the same spot near the front door, observing the interior of the house.
It didn't feel or look like a home it had a cold aura, almost everything was gray or black, there was barely any color.
"Felix, she's black! I thought you were going to bring one of us" I heard her whisper to him in distaste.
I'm thankful I have sharp ears because she can't whisper at all.
"What the hell is with that damn hair color, it's too bright. You know how people like her are, gold diggers, criminals and animals. She's not going to fit into this family, I want you to break it off with her and I'll find someone more compatible for you. Please son" A sly smirk crept up my lips making me chuckle shaking my head.
The two turned to me, Felix looked pissed off and Jane stared at me in pure disbelief.
I strolled to where the stood, with the gifts in hand.
"Mrs. Coleman, I'm quite disappointed you didn't get to know me first before being so prejudiced," I told her with a fake smile.
"My name is Eniola Oladipo, I'm 24 years young, I'm from Nigeria and I'm your wonderful son's Black girlfriend," I said emphasizing the word black because I'm sensing that she's a racially biased person.
"How dare you!" I didn't say anything but walk closer to her as she took a step back.
I placed the gifts in her arms leaning into her ear I whispered.
"I am an established businesswoman if you were wondering and not all of my people are like how you described. Bitterness, irrelevant hate, being narrow-minded and jealousy makes you look ugly Mrs. Coleman. You should change that tone before you provoke the wrong person." I smirked once again when I saw her flinch.
"Have a goodnight, Jane?" I said pecking her left cheek as to bid her goodbye.
I turned around to see Felix looking stunned but in his eyes, I saw proudness and respect.
I went to him "I'll catch myself a cab, stay with your mother tonight she'll need you" He nodded his head and kissed my lips and temple.
I exited the house through the door I walk in.
"You can't win them all" I voiced out while walking to the main road, it isn't far from here.
I took my AirPods out of my purse and started playing Che Vuole Questa Musica Stasera by Peppino Gagliardi.
Translation: Who Wants This Music Tonight?
Ever since I went to Italy I fell in love with the language, food, music, and culture.
I felt better and light-hearted as the melody flowed through.
Arriving on the main road, I outstretched my hand to hail a Taxi.
One drove to the side, I got it and told the driver my destination. I need some peppermint tea for a calming effect, my bed and deep slumber.

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Until Next Time...
Word Count: 2509 words.

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