Chapter 12

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Tomaso Albinoni - Adagio In G Minor
Eniola's POV
I didn't know I had it in me to confess my feelings to a guy I just met.
I'm even surprised by my own actions, it's just the way Felix makes me feel different, I have never been so opened and outspoken about myself to anyone like I was with Felix.
Now looking back at it,  I think that I might have rushed things, he probably thinks I do this kind of thing with other men whenever I go on vacation trips.
The odious feeling of insecurity is washing over me and I don't like it.
I shook my head to discard the troubled thoughts out of my head.
45 minutes later, I finally arrived at the high end rooftop restaurant that I'm supposed to meet Mr.Kristos in the middle of Athens.
"Hello I'm meeting someone by the name Mr.Kristos" I stop to tell a random waiter
Earlier this morning, I got a call from Mr.Kristos informing me about where our meeting would happen and what I should do when I get there.
"You must be Ms.Oladipo, right this way when you walk up these stairs it's leading to the rooftop restaurant Mr.Kristos is there awaiting you" The waiter informs me while guiding me towards the direction of the stairs.
"Thank you so much" I sent a sincere smile to him.
"You're welcome Miss, if you need anything just ask for a waiter name Adrian and I'll be ready on your call" I giggled because of the way Adrian's eyes gleamed in excitement as he eagerly spoke.
"Bye, have a beautiful day" I wave to him while he did the same.
I started walking up the stairs leading to the rooftop. Finally reaching the top stair, the first ting I saw was the beautiful view that overlooking the half of Athens.
"Wow" I breathed out in astonishment I looked around almost forgetting the whole reason why I came here in the first place.
"Beautiful isn't it" I heard a voice say behind me making me jump moving away to face the person.
"Who are you?" I ask the blue eyed man breathily.
My body was leaned to the side with a  hand clutching my chest.
The man chuckled outstretches his hand out implying he wants to shake hands.
My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, I look at the man and then at his still extended hand.
"Oh sorry for not introducing myself I'm James Kristos sorry for scaring you that was never my intention" He tells me apoplectically.
I stood up straight and shook his hand which made James smile widened at the skin ship .
"Apology accepted Mr.Kristos I'm Eni-" I started introducing myself and he cut me off
"Ms.Eniola Oladipo I know your Father told me a lot about you and please call me James" I raised a suspicious brow at him pulling my hand back from the hand shake.
'This better not be another blind date cahoot Dad and Mom planned' I mentally shake my head because if this really was a blind date disguised as a business meeting, I might actually lose it with my parents.
"Nice to know Mr.Kristos could we please begin the purpose of my trip here" I start walking towards the beautifully prepared table.
I touched a chair to sit "Let me do that for you" James came around and pulled the seat out for me to sit on.
After settling down on the chair James sat on his smoothly fixing his well fitted suit.
"Before we talk business, Ms.Eniola
did you have lunch yet?" James leans on the table smiling at me charmingly.
"No, not yet, I have plans with my boyfriend after this meeting" His smile fell a little looking down for a bit before lifting his head back up with an amiable smile.
I took a good look at James there is no denying that he's an unattractive man with bright baby blue eyes, a well built body, slightly tanned skin with dirty blonde hair and a slight stubble on his face.
I am also feeling the vibe of the the stereotypical surfer look except he lacked the long hair.
I'm sure he's seen as a very charming man to many women but not me I have someone I like already.
"Ok then, let's talk business" James clapped his hands together apprehensively.
I nod my head opening my bag pulling out an envelope containing the contract my Father set up for the dealings with James's electrical company.
For the next hour and the half we talked about how the trading and partnership of both companies, he signed the paper next to my Father's signature.
I checked my wrist watch to see the time was a quarter after 4pm.
"Shit!" I cursed out without thinking until I heard James laughter.
"Sorry, it just slipped out unknowingly" I smiled at him awkwardly still embarrassed.
"It's fine, but is everything alright?" James asked me concernedly.
I nod my head yes "I just have to go I'm really late for my plans" I reached out for the document on the table putting it back inside the envelope and into my bag.
I push the chair back so I could get up, James stood up also from his chair.
I held out my hand for an handshake
"It was nice doing business with you Mr.Kristos, my father would be very pleased with the outcome" I smiled at him even more sincerely.
James shakes my hand holding it much longer that he should.
I tried to pull my hand from his grip but he just held on tightly.
"I'm going to speak informally now, Eniola I would like to see you again"
The lines between my brows compressed in bewilderment
"I ca-" once again the cut me off he really needs to stop that.
"I know that you said you have a boyfriend but I just want us to hang out as friends you know" I look at him skeptically staring at him up and down.
His hand still gripping mine I walked a little closer to him whispering in his ear.
"James, you know that we can't be friends, I've noticed the way you stared at me during the meeting and a person who is wanting to be friends with someone doesn't look at them with obvious lust evident in their eyes. Therefore, I will be declining your offer to friendship, my time is done here, goodbye, Mr.Kristos" I patted his chest with my free hand, while in his astounded state I quickly remove my hand from his walking down the stairs leading to the main restaurant.
I saw Adrian serving wine to a couple.
I called his name and he looked around to see who called him.
His eyes landed on mine and he sent a cheeky smile my way I wave at him mouthing a bye and he did the same.
I exited the restaurant making my way to my car parked on the sidewalk, I unlocked it and got in the car drove straight back to the Hotel.
'I wonder what Felix is doing right now?' I thought to myself as I saw the big Hotel come in view.

Writer's Block is gone and I'm back with new inspiration👏🏾😊

Writer's Block is gone and I'm back with new inspiration👏🏾😊

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Chris Hemsworth as James Kristos 💕

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