Chapter 6

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Ariana Grande - Best Mistake Ft. Big Sean
Eniola's POV
"Hello, good morning" The Stranger still stood there doing the same thing and it was kind of annoying but I didn't show my annoyed expression on my face.
I got up from my seat, walked up to him grabbing his forearm and pulling him to the chair in front of mine.
After putting the unresponsive man in the chair, I walked around the table to sit on my original seat.
I called a waitress "Με συγχωρείτε, παρακαλώ να πάρετε το ειδικό πρωινό για τον κύριο εδώ" Translation: Excuse me, can I please get the breakfast special for the gentleman here.
I tell the attentive waitress 
"Σίγουρα, κυρία, σε λίγα λεπτά. Θα σας παραγγείλω" Translation: Sure thing ma'am, in a few minutes. I'll bring your order.
The waitress nodded her head turning her attention to another guest.
I turned back to the stranger who had his slightly glowing hazel eyes fixed on me.
I decided to introduce myself "Hi my name is Eniola Oladipo Enny for short, what's your name  Mr.Stranger? I'm not a shy person and I tend to be bold most of the time
It seemed like Mr.Stranger finally snapped out of his trance when he finally became responsive
"My name is Felix Coleman Enola" His baritone sounding voice was guttural when he introduced himself. I saw that he looked down biting his plum lips in embarrassment maybe due to him because messing up the pronunciation of my name
I smiled at least he put some effort to pronouncing my name which is pretty easy to say but learning it for the first time is sort of difficult for some people.
I laughed not to embarrass him but his shyness is really cute to watch "Hey hey it's okay not everyone gets the right pronunciation of my name. Just call me Enny" I gave him my nickname because it's not going to be easy for him to say my name pronunciation properly
Felix glanced up smiling shyly "Enny you have a very unique name I've never heard anything like it ever in my life, it's honestly beautiful" I wanted to gush on how adorable he is and I started giggling like a school girl that just found out her crush likes her back while placing my fingers on my mouth with a stupid smile fixated on my face.

 Just call me Enny" I gave him my nickname because it's not going to be easy for him to say my name pronunciation properly Felix glanced up smiling shyly "Enny you have a very unique name I've never heard anything like it ever in my life, it's hon...

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I composed myself back but still had my smile on my face "So Felix you're American if I'm not guessing wrong" He nods.
It seemed like he wanted to say something, the waitress came back with a tray filled with food setting it in front of him.
Felix immediately looked at me in complete shock, I pushed the tray more to him telling him to eat up or it will get cold.
He didn't hesitate to grab the fork and stab the poached eggs and groaning in delight as he tasted the food.
I chuckled at the scene in front of me he looks like a kid eating all messy and cute, after eating his food I grabbed the napkin and held his chin wiping the corners of his mouth he had food there "You must have be starving" He grinned setting his elbow on the table and his palm on his cheek looking at me in a dreamy type of look.

I leaned back on my seat chuckling lowly "What? Why are you looking at me like that Felix" I joked trying to sound angry "It's nothing Enny, you're so sweet and caring for a stranger you just met less than an hour ago" Felix states still gazing at...

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I leaned back on my seat chuckling lowly "What? Why are you looking at me like that Felix" I joked trying to sound angry
"It's nothing Enny, you're so sweet and caring for a stranger you just met less than an hour ago" Felix states still gazing at me in pure admiration
"What can say, My mama taught me well" I shrugged loftily then bursted into laughter.
"You laugh is so pleasing to my ears" Felix huskily says leaning forward on the table.
"Are you flirting with me Mr.Coleman? I teased him in a sexual tone Felix just chuckled darkly.
It's seems like Mr.shy guy had disappeared and was replaced with an overconfident, impetuous man.
"What if I am flirting with you Ms.Enny" He leaned forward even more few inches close to my face.
"Well if that's the case, then you're going to have to try harder than that" I leaned closer to his ear whispering
He leaned back shaking his head smiling
"Then Ms.Enny would you mind going on a date with me tonight, so I can wine and dine you and we could get to know each other more" Felix looks into my eyes with an unwavering passion held in his hazel orbs.
"It's a date then Mr.Coleman" I took a pen out of my purse and grabbed a clean tissue writing my phone number sliding it over to him
"Call me" I got up from my seat and kissed his cheek and saw a faint blush.
I immediately sashayed out of the dining hall before I embarrass myself more than I already did.
I'm going to tour the city of Athens for the day.

Hope this chapter can sate you guys due to the boring previous chapter.
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