Chapter 25

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Aaron Neville - Tell It Like It Is
🎶 Tell it like it is
Don't be ashamed to let your conscience be your guide.
But I-I-I-I-I know deep down inside of me
I believe you love me, forget your foolish pride. 🎶

                         Felix's POV"What the fuck is wrong with you mom!?" I roared angrily seeing her visibly flinch back in fear

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                         Felix's POV
"What the fuck is wrong with you mom!?" I roared angrily seeing her visibly flinch back in fear.
But I didn't care I'm furious right now.
"You're a racist now? Why would you do that to the woman I told you so many wonderful things about but you just couldn't see past her skin complexion to start judging her of things you don't even know. I'm so disappointed mom, you embarrassed me and not to mention yourself in front of the woman I love!
I don't even want to see you right now."
I turned my back from her walking into the kitchen to pour myself a drink, I'm in immense need of it.
"Your father's last mistress was a black woman. The irony of the situation was me and her went to the same college and was a close friend until she moved to another state. She came back many years later and started hitting it off with your father. I don't know how they met because I never introduced them to each other" Mom sat down on a barstool as she started explaining.
Of course, that pathetic scumbag I called father is involved in this. I hate him with a passion, he ruined my life, my poor mother's life and broke our once happy family because he couldn't keep it in his pants.
"Seeing that my son's girlfriend is a black woman just triggered the bitterness in my heart. I'm sorry son, I'll apologize to her and I shall make it up to you, please forgive me." I didn't say a word, drowning the rest of my drink then placing the glass inside the sink.
I walked around and gave my mom a brief hug and a kiss to her forehead before exiting the house.
I needed to see if my girl was doing alright.
Arriving at her home, I saw the dimmed lights through the cream-colored curtains.
Raising my folded fist, I knocked on the door softly.
I could hear a faint 'coming' from a distance.
I stood in front of the door patiently for her to open up.
Eniola's make up free face, bonnet covers hair and silk pajamas clad body came into view as she slowly opened the door.
"Felix! What are you doing here? I thought you were going to stay with your mother tonight." She asked astonishingly moving to the side for me to enter.
She closed the door and walked in front of me to the leaving room where I saw the Netflix show Big Mouth playing on the projector sized television mounted on the wall.
Enny picked up the remote and turned off the TV and turned her attention back to me.
"Felix, what's under your tongue? Don't you have something to say after what transpired earlier tonight" Eniola said with a slight attitude folding her arms on her chest.
I moved closer causing her to back into the wall.
"My heart is beating really fast. I'm in love, with a beautiful, kind and gracious woman. I fell in love, she brought back the side of me I thought I had lost, I'm looking into her eyes right now telling her she's it for me. No one else but her." I said cradling her face towards mine then leaned in for a kiss filled with the love and passion I strongly felt for her.
When I stopped taking a few steps back, she opened her eyes stumbling a bit before catching herself clutching the side of the wall.
"You feeling good, baby?" I asked with an amused smile.
Eniola smiled sheepishly taking her bottom lip in between her teeth. I raised my hand towards her face releasing the swollen lip.
"I'm sorry for my mother's attitude towards you. She meant no harm it just some awful things happened to her in the past and I guess something triggered her t act the ways she did. I apologize on her behalf and she will be apologizing to you also. I made sure of it." I confessed while moving us to sit on one of the couches.
I lifted her toned legs to my lap massaging them generating a satisfying moan from her mouth.
"Is it alright, if I asked what set off your mother?" Enny asked fiddling with her thumbs.
"That's not my story to tell, mom will tell you when she calls you out when it's time to apologize. I'm truly sorry for what happened" I told her apologizing once again.
She shook her head "It's not your fault, sometimes people can't control their emotions. It's what makes us human beings." To lift up the mood in the atmosphere.
"What do you want to do? I can't sleep and I still have a lot of energy in me besides, Tomorrow is Sunday" I told her with teasing smirk.
She looked at me with a bored unimpressed expression.
"Actually, I feel the opposite. So this is what's going to happen, you're free to spend the night or go home and I have to go to church in the morning" Enny said lifting her legs off my lap and standing on her feet.
"What's your answer?" She asked while yawning the words.
"I'll spend the night, I have extra clothes here anyway," I said standing up from the couch.
I bent swooping her in my arms as I started walking up the stairs towards her bedroom.

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