Chapter 19

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Howie Day - Collide
⚠️ Long Chapter Ahead ⚠️

                      Eniola's POVToday is the opening of my art gallery and my the first time I'm showcasing my paintings and drawings to a bigger audience

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                  Eniola's POV
Today is the opening of my art gallery and my the first time I'm showcasing my paintings and drawings to a bigger audience.
It's been two long years since I have taken hold of my responsibilities for my late father's company.
At first, those misogynistic, chauvinistic pigs I call the board of directors did not want a woman bossing them around saying my brothers should be the one holding the role of CEO.
I am the biological child of my father the one with his blood and it's in my birthright and the position is rightfully mine.
So there wasn't really anything they could about it but accept me whether they liked it or not.
To be honest, I don't like being the CEO,
I cannot handle all that stress it's such a huge load of the burden on your shoulders constantly working to better the company so failure is not an option.
I'm just waiting for my brothers to complete their study at Oxford University. I resign from my position and give them the title of Co CEOs.
The guilt of the stupid mistake I made 2 years ago is still there reminding me of my choice. I'm pretty sure Felix hates me now.
That's another reason why I never seemed him out since I came to New York City.
I'm ashamed to face him and my story might go on with me dying of shame at my failure finally face the man I did wrong to in the past.
"Miss, we've arrived" The chauffeur announced bringing me out of my train of thoughts.
He walked around the car opening the door and helping me out.
"Thank you, Niles," I tell him with a grateful smile.
"You're welcome Miss" He smiled back gesturing for me to go on.
I quickly check my outfit, fluff my Afro which I finally let it grow to volume this past two years.
I felt like doing something daring so I dyed my hair strawberry pink and I love it. Perfect for my dark skin complexion one of the best decisions I've ever made.
I walked into the Gallery immediately I feel the blasting air conditioning hit my skin. I shivered due to the cooling sensation.
"Ms.Oladipo, we are about to open the library but we need to know if there's anything that we haven't covered on your part" My assistant Kemi asked me talking really fast.
I turned to gave her holding her shoulders
"Okay, Kemi I'm going to need you to breath can you do that for me?" I tell her like an adult coaxing a super energetic child.
"No, there's nothing else that needs to be run by me. I put you in charge now get to stepping" I said clapping my hands shooing her away.
"Ok then, I'll go open up the gallery for the guests." I enter my office flinging my purse on a random chair.
"I'm nervous! Why am I nervous? I never get nervous so why now!?" On cue, I started having an anxiety attack.
I quickly rush to the mini restroom in my office slapping water on my face to calm myself.
I dried my face reapplying a bold dark purple lipstick, mascara and the glittery pink eyeshadow on my lids.
Exiting the bathroom I drank some warm water.
After that, I heard a soft knock on the door.
"We're ready for your speech Ms. Oladipo"
I heard Kemi say behind the door.
I took a deep breath inhaling and exhaling.
I fix myself up one last time opening my office door immediately I clapping sounds resonated the gallery while I walked down the stairs.
I put a polite smile showing teeth. I walk up to the podium whilst still holding the same smile on my face.
"Welcome everyone to the very first initial opening of Elife Gallery and my official debut," I say motioning to the paintings and drawings around.
"What compelled me to finally build the confidence to showcase my art to a larger audience other than close friendships d family. The answer I do not know. I was on vacation 2 years ago, I showed a few my drawings to a special someone and this all hit me hard seeing the positive reaction pushed me forward.
I understand that I'll be facing a different kind of atmosphere. I've got stuff on my mind and so do you. We all have things on our minds and we forget that. We forget that we're not the only ones.
Even then, I willingly accept this new chapter of my life which I wouldn't have been able to reach without being brave.
Ahead is a new journey, not only for me but for all of us. And what I have to say to that, "Challenge accepted." So now I will end my speech with a thank you and please help yourselves to the refreshments provided" I ended my speech hearing people applaud and congratulate me.
I strutted around the Gallery patting myself of the back for my accomplishments.
This is all me. I did this I'm so proud of myself.
"Congratulations Ms.Eniola Oladipo," A voice I thought I would never hear again says from behind.
It seemed like my body went into air pilot mode.
In a second, I'm graced with Felix staring down at me.
I see different emotions swirling in his eyes.
"Nice to see you again Enny. We need to talk" I snapped out of my trance nodding my head calling Kemi over and telling her to go retrieve my purse from my office.
Minutes later, she hands me my purse.
Felix walked in front of me while I followed behind until I saw us entering the Café near the gallery.
He ordered ginger tea for me and a black coffee for himself.
The waiter came back placing our individual drinks directly in front of us on the wooden table.
"How have you been?" I ask with a nervous chuckle.
Peering up at Felix through my lashes I saw nothing but a blank look on his face.
I slowly lifted the teacup to my lips uncomfortably taking a small sip before placing it back down on the table.
I turn my head facing outside staring at different people pass by the Café.
"Why didn't you wake me up and tell me?" He asked hoarsely with a furious glint in his hazel orbs.
I looked down fiddling with the hem of my sweater.
I had no excuse it was a very foolish thing to do on my part.
I could have just woken him up from sleep instead of doing all the unnecessary bullshit I did.
I avoided his calls because I am a coward and still am.
I purposely came to live in New York because I wanted to be closer to him from far away.
I knew where his company location but the guilt and embarrassment held me back.
"Speak!" The sudden bang on the table got my attention back.
Felix leaned over to my side of the table holding my jaw painfully.
"This place won't work" I heard him mutter under his breath.
Felix stood up from his chair before coming over to my side pulling me up from mine.
Felix gripped my hand harshly making me wince in pain as he tugged me out of the Café.
"Felix, what are you doing? And where are you taking me?" I asked frightened by his actions.
"Just be quiet" He opens a car door pushing me inside the passenger seat.
Felix is really scaring me, I feel like he has changed a lot in the span of 2 years.
"I'm sorry," I say in a remorseful tone.
"Why are you sorry? For leaving without telling me face to face but with a mere letter or for breaking my heart?" He had a pained expression on his face gritting his teeth angrily.
I didn't know what to say since it sounded like a hypothetical question.
"I-I d-don't-" He cut me off before I could complete my sentence.
"Eniola, I'm going to need you to shut up when I'm talking to you. Do you hear me? Answer me!" Felix yelled making me jump frighteningly.
"Yes, I understand," I tell him in a submissive manner.
Feeling unshed tears burn my eyes threatening to escape.
"Aww, baby don't cry because I haven't given you anything to cry about yet. Just you wait till we get to the house" He says in a dark tone chuckling like a maniac.
I want to be somewhere else far away from him at this moment.
If scaring me was his mission, he has certainly succeeded in igniting the seed of fear in me.
I say a silent prayer in my mind briskly wiping away the fallen tears.

Say a little prayer for Eniola because Sis is gonna get it BIG!
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Until Next Time...

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