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Swiss - If Tomorrow Never Comes.

                       Eniola's POV"NEVER AGAIN!" I screamed in agony while glaring at Felix as I pushed

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                    Eniola's POV
"NEVER AGAIN!" I screamed in agony while glaring at Felix as I pushed.
"I know I know sweetheart, you're doing great" He cooed at me while wiping the sweat on my forehead.
"It's a girl" The midwife announced handing the baby to one of the nurses around.
I cracked a smile through my pain when my eyes landed on my babygirl.
She came out with an head full of hair.
"Now mommy, you need to push harder for her brother" The midwife said encouraging me.
Gripping Felix's hand like it was a stress ball, I let out another glass shattering scream when I pushed with all my might.
Soon, the sudden cries of my son resonated the pool house.
I finally felt relieved but a tingling heart burn appeared in my chest.
Turning my head to my babies they both had a head full of pitch black hair.
I felt something slippery slide out of my vagina, that was the placenta.
"Please let me touch them" I muttered tiredly.
Felix asked the two nurses holding my little angels to bring them to me.
Even though I was worn out I accepted my babies into my arms as their tiny bodies rested on my chest for skin to skin contact.
After a few minutes the nurses informed me that they needed to clean them.
Since, I had a shitty experience with the doctors at our usual hospital during my third trimester and when I saw on the news about the increasing maternal mortality rate about how many black women are most likely to pass away during delivery due to life-threatening pregnancy conditions weeks/days before their due dates or the incompetence of their doctors.
That made me scared, which is why Felix and I decided that we would hire a midwife and a few nurses to assist me during the rest of my pregnancy.
We are currently inside the pool house jacuzzi. I made the decision to have a natural home birth. I would say things went successfully.
"You did great baby, I'm so proud of you" I heard Felix say before I felt a kiss on my sweaty forehead.
I hummed in response with a weak smile on my face still gazing down on babies.
"Mr. Coleman, the doctor is ready to perform tests on the twins." One of the nurses informed.
Felix noticed my exhausted state and told the midwife to help clean me up.
"Go to sleep, I got you baby" My husband whisper was the last thing I heard before falling asleep with my head resting on his shoulder.
Time Skip...
I woke up with the sunlight on my face, I turned my head to look around and a huge smile immediately overtook my face when I saw the large bassinet.
Jumping out of the bed immediately regretting that because of the ache in between my legs but I shrugged it off.
I rushed to where the twins slept soundly while holding each other's little hands inside the cozy bassist.
They're so perfect, I can't believe Felix and I made these precious little angels.
The tingling sensation came back again my heart is still burning. God this hurts.
I went to sit back down on the bed edge and my husband walks in with a tray of food.
"Oh you're awake, here I made you something." Felix plopped the tray on my lap but not before kissing me on the lips telling me thank you.
"Everything is covered for the home birth record the midwife gave me after you fell asleep was completed and the form was signs it by her. We're gonna use to get the twins birth certificates from the Department of Records and Births." I hummed before taking a quick bite of the the pineapple from the small fruit bowl.
"That's great so did you name them yet?" I asked while placing the tray on the bed stand table.
Felix rolled the bassinet closer to where I was on the bed.
"Our babygirl in the bright yellow name is Zuri Taiwo Coleman and Mr. dimpled smile is Zuriel Kehinde Coleman." He told me as we gazed down at the smiling angels. I wonder what they're dreaming about.
"I'm so happy right now" I said as my voice croaked.
Felix wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer into his warm embrace comforting me as I cried.
After the tears stopped, I sniffed and wiped the tears.
"Did you call our families?"
"Yeah, they'll be here soon except that your mom and brothers will be arriving in 2 days time" I nod my head in understanding then lifted the tray back on my lap.
"Thanks for the food" I mumbled while chewing on the French toast.
"You deserve it baby" Lifting the fork to his lips I urged him to take a bite.
That day Felix and I spent the day together just staring at the twins do what babies do poop, eat and sleep.
It was entertaining yet tiring and every single moment was worth the it. I wouldn't have it any better.
                       Felix's POV 
5 years Later...
"Oww daddy, you're combing too hard. It hurts" Zuri said in a whiny tone.
"Sorry sweetheart, I'll do better." I apologized to the little diva.
"You better" I chuckled at her adorable attempt to sound like her mother.
"DAD! When are you gonna be done with her hair?" Zuriel walks into his sister's room with a soccer ball.
Shit, I completely forgot that I promised him that we would play a game today.
"Sorry buddy, I'm almost done with Zuri's hair. Go watch some TV for now" I tried to pacify the fuming boy who looked like he wanted to fight me for putting him in the back of my mind.
Zuriel held up two fingers pointing them to his eyes then at me before he walked away.
"Daddy continue, I want a bun the same way mommy does it" I wanted to cry because that's the least favorite style to do on Zuri's hair.
"Sweetheart, what about I do a nice ponytail with your favorite bow on it?" The glare this little child threw my way had me gulping my saliva.
My phone started ringing in the back pocket of my jeans.
I put down the hair brush moving to the far corner of Zuri's bedroom to answer the call.
Pulling the device from my pocket, Enny's contact flashed on the screen immediately I answered the call.
Without even giving my wife a chance to speak I voiced out my pain.
"Baby, they're driving me crazy. I need you." I whispered into the phone looking over to check if Zuri heard me or not.
Thankfully she was watching something on her iPad.
"Aww, I thought you said you could handle them without me for a few days?" Enny said mockingly.
I rolled my eyes at the sarcastic tone in her voice.
"Please when are you coming back?" I begged desperately.
"It's alright my love, I'll save you I'm almost home" My heart literally leaped in my chest at the reveal.
Enny went to a art convention in San Francisco and it's only been me and the twins at home.
I have a higher level of respect for Enny because I couldn't do what she does as a mother.
"Oh thank God, how far are you?" I asked impatiently.
"About 15 minutes." I started thanking my lucky stars.
"DAD!!!" My eyes widen as Zuriel called out to me.
"I gotta go before our son chews me up. I'll see you soon" Enny laughed then made kissy sounds before hanging up the call.
I quickly walked back to Zuri where she sat in front of her vanity mirror.
Picking up the brush and opening the gel container, I began doing her hair to the requested style.
At the same time, my little 5 year old son stood with his arms folded in disapproval mean mugging me as I did his sister's hair.
"Almost done just give me a few minutes" I said tried easing the tension inside the room.
Zuriel's facial expression stayed the same.
Scary ass kid, he's so damn intimidating.
"There you go princess" Zuri instantly smiled big when she saw her hair.
"Thank you, daddy!" She squealed happily while checking the style and touching on the gelled edges.
I exhaled patting myself on the back. I did good.
"I'm home my darlings!" The loud voice of my wife coming from downstairs put me on alert.
All three of us ran out of Zuri's room to go meet with their mother.
"Mommy!" Enny had her arm wide open to hug the twins at the bottom to the stairs.
"I missed you so much, my babies" She said carrying the twins on her hips.
"What about me?" I questioned as I rushed down the steps.
"Shut up, you big baby" Enny sneered at me making the twins laugh.
"I'll show you who you're calling a baby after they go to bed" I mumbled under my breath.
"Hmm, what was that?" I kissed my teeth walking away into the kitchen so I wouldn't have to answer her.
"Did guys eat yet?" If they tell her no I swear I'm spanking those two.
I fed them turkey sandwiches an hour ago.
"We want pizza" The twins said in unison. They do that a lot and it's freaky.
Enny walked into the kitchen with our kids following behind her.
"Felix, you know what to do" She told me while taking out a few snacks handing out to the twins who dashed out going to the movie room.
"I'll take care of you later, don't be so down big baby" Enny squeezed my butt then sent a suggestive wink over her shoulder as she exited the kitchen.
I shook my head chuckling to myself, picking up my phone I called the closet pizza place.
I got lucky years ago when I went on that trip to Greece.
If I never had taken that well needed vacation, I might be married to someone else not to the special woman who has made my life more fulfilling.
Everyday that I wake up, I count my blessings and always thank the almighty for giving me a family I could call my own, they are my happiness, accomplishments, and legacy.
Without Enny none of this would have happened, for the rest of my life I'm forever indebted and grateful to her.
Our love is so rhythmic and may it never stop.

The End...

Author's Note

This has been an interesting journey writing this book

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This has been an interesting journey writing this book. I appreciate everyone who read, voted and commented.
You guys support really motivated me finish this book after I wanted to stop countless times.
Thank you so much and I hope to see you in my other books "Lovesome... and Burn Brighter" I promise that you won't be disappointed. 💋❤️👋🏾

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