Chapter 18

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Jun.K - Think About You 😩
This song relates to how Felix feels.

                       Felix's POVIt's been 2 years since Eniola left me

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                       Felix's POV
It's been 2 years since Eniola left me. But that hasn't stopped me from watching over her from afar.
I stirred awake with a big smile on my face thing about the previous night.
I thought would be the energetic one between us, damn was I wrong.
Eniola wore me out, I think I even passed out a few times from climaxing too much.
I roll to the other side of the bed searching for warmth.
I pat my arm on the bedside frowning with my eyes still closed.
I popped open my eyes, my vision was a bit blurry due to the morning sun coming inside the bedroom through the glass doors that lead to the balcony.
I raise fists to my eyes rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
Clear vision finally appeared in my eyesight.
I looked over to the side of the bed, the sheets looked soiled, empty yet very cold.
I look around the bedroom to see her clothes and belongings missing.
She might be in the bathroom but I don't hear anything else but the ocean waves.
"Enny baby, where are you?" I called out to her and got no answer.
I got off the bed naked as the day I was born walking to the bathroom.
I wrapped my fingers around the knob turning it, to my disappointment I don't see her.
I walk away from the cold tiled floor and into the carpeted floor of the bedroom.
My gaze found the clock hung on the wall it read 10:55 am.
I didn't think much into why Eniola didn't stay and wake up by my side this morning.
Is she embarrassed about everything that transpired or she had a business to attend?
I shook my head at the random scenarios going into the closet to get my towel.
After taking my shower and doing my daily hygienic routine.
I git dressed casually, I wore a white
A-shirt I don't know why they call a wife-beater.
With a button-up vacation shirt from Urban Outfitters. I decided to put on a knee-length Khaki Bermuda shorts.
And I wore Tods Slip-On Shoes in Suede Beige.
I check myself in the mirror before leaving my bedroom to go to Enny's.
Instead of waiting to take the elevator I walked down the stair because I felt like it.
I finally reached Enny's door and I knocked twice.
A few seconds later the was door opened by a short middle-aged woman.
"με συγχωρείτε ποιος είσαι εσύ," The woman asked defensively.
Translation: Excuse me, who are you?
I caught on to some of the words the lady said. Thank God Enny taught me a few general must know words in greek.
"I'm looking for my girlfriend this is her room number," I say with a nervous smile on my face while I rechecked if this is the right room number.
The lady shook her head like she's saying No.
"Γεια σου, ποιος είναι στην πόρτα; Θα αρχίσω να τρώω χωρίς εσένα." A deep male baritone voice says from inside the room.
Translation: Honey, who's at the door? I'm going to start eating without you.
I heard footsteps coming closer to the door entrance.
"Who are you?" A bald rugged-looking man with a full beard asked in English with a very strong accent as he threw his arm over the woman's shoulder.
"I umm, my girlfriend resides in this room" I answered quickly.
"No, we just moved into this room earlier this morning. I think your girlfriend really checked out" He replies burying his face in the lady's neck making her giggle.
He places his hand on the door closing it shut in my face.
"Checked out" I voiced out with confusion laced in my tone.
I don't think Enny would leave and not give me a heads up about it.
I let me go confirm from the hotel staff.
This time I took the elevator down to the lobby.
I walked over to the two young women behind the receptionists' desk.
"Good morning sir, how may I help you?" The receptionist with the raven-colored hair asked professionally.
"Good morning, did a guest named Eniola Oladipo check out of the hotel today?" I asked leaning forward.
"I'm sorry sir but it's our hotel's policy not to disclose any of guests private information," She says with a curt nod and the same plastered fake smile that they were probably trained to have expertly.
"Please, I need to know I'm begging you" I pleaded with the young woman but she wasn't having it.
I tried five more times until she threatened I call security and I left the premises going back to my bedroom suite.
As soon as I walked in I screamed in anger pacing around the room until something caught my eye on a certain desk.
I walk closer for inspection, I see my grandfather ink pen on top of a paper.
I picked it up and started reading what was written on it.
By the time I was done, I crumpled the paper throwing it across the room.
I felt anger coursing through my veins.
I felt the sudden need to vent the rage, I started trashing the room throwing anything I see insight, punching the walls until I had blisters on my hand and blood gushing out of my torn knuckles.
I kept on vandalizing everything I see insight hoping my anger got it to quench.
But that never happened because I fell on my knees crying my heart out. Till I eventually went to sleep.
The next day I paid the hotel 1,560 € in reparations and on that same day I left Greece.
Flashback over
The fact of the matter, and though this is a hard pill to swallow, is that she chose not to tell me her reasons for leaving like that.
To be honest, I'm not even angry anymore, I found out why she had left suddenly that day.
Things must have been difficult for her during that period. Her father who was on his deathbed eventually passed away in his sleep.
Eniola, being the breadwinner and biological heir had to take over her father's previous responsibilities as CEO.
Last week, the private informant Christopher, that I hired half a year ago, sent me a folder containing pictures of Eniola in New York City.
I had called him to tell me what she's doing here. Christopher gave me the rundown of everything saying she's in New York City for her art debut in a widely known gallery.
It's been a week and I'm waiting for her to finally show herself to me.
Every time I picture her in my mind, I still think about her beautiful smile, shiny coffee-colored eyes, that gorgeous silky skin I always caressed every chance I got, her brilliant perception of life and artistic vision, the sound of her heartful laughter and no to forget that sultry accented voice of hers. That was the first thing that made me fall undeniably in love with her altogether.
I spend my days and nights every time reading daily information files about her.
I obsessively obsess on things whenever I think about her wellbeing or when I see pictures of her with other dudes.
I try to let go of the angry thoughts I have in my mind but something always seems to me hold me back from being calm.
I'm on my breaking point, I can't wait any longer I must see her, embrace her, kiss her and most the important, question her.
If she doesn't show herself then I will.

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