Chapter 35

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Renee Olstead - What A Difference A Day Makes.

                       Eniola's POV"Mummy, about what we discussed the other day about Mary jay coming here to go to University

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Eniola's POV
"Mummy, about what we discussed the other day about Mary jay coming here to go to University. Did you think about it?" I bit my nails anxious of what her answer could be.
"It's not a bad idea and I know Mary jay has been bothering you about coming to America to finish her studies" Mum said with a small laugh.
"So, is it okay to start making arrangements for her to get a student visa?" I asked with raised brows.
"Eniola, it's alright. I got everything under control don't worry just focus on work and that handsome son in law of mine" I rolled my eyes giggling.
"Thank you, mummy and please tell those darling brothers of mine to give me a call sometime. Bye bye, I love you" I told her making kissy sounds before hanging up.
I placed the smooth bar-shaped device on the kitchen island then opened the fridge to get a strawberry yogurt drink.
This stuff helps with my inability to fall asleep willingly on my own.
Mary jay should be calling any time soon. Mummy should have given her the news by now?
Twisting the cap of the yogurt bottle, I took a small sip before putting the cap back on.
"1,2,3" I counted tapping my fingers on the kitchen counter waiting for Mary jay to call me.
My phone starts ringing and vibrating on the marble island.
I picked it up and a loud squeal caused me to move it away from my ears.
"Eniola! Aunty just gave me the news. I'm coming to live with you?" I hummed nodding my head as I made my way back into the living room.
"That would be correct. But just know I'm going to be as strict as mummy when you arrive, actually I'll be much worse." I told her jokingly? Nah, I'm dead serious.
Mary jay is too careless for her own good and her impulsive passive-aggressive personality causes her to do wayward things that gets her in trouble most of the time.
"Yeah yeah, I don't care about that. I'm just happy that I'll be seeing you more and I'll hopefully get a boyfriend with the twins blocking my blessings" I pulled the phone away from my ear glaring at the phone.
This girl. She won't listen what is her obsession with getting a boyfriend.
Yes, it's true my little cousin is a good catch but most of the young boys I see around New York City aren't suitable enough to be with her.
Mary jay is far too innocent, far too naive and her obliviousness is beyond frustrating.
That's why the twin always hover over her most of the time.
"NO BOYFRIENDS!" I yelled through the phone.
"Geez, chill Enny. I'm just pulling your leg."
"Mmmhmm, I'm be watching you. Bye I love you stupid"
"Psst, whatever. Love you too dumbo" The audacity of this little girl.
I'm gonna give her a well deserved spanking when she gets here.
I grabbed the fuzzy blanket on the couch, going out to the balcony to enjoy the crisp summer night breeze.
I still miss home more than anything but I'm confident the homesickness would eventually fade away.
                       Felix's POV
5 months later...
"Felix, I need to go to the restroom. I'll meet you guys in the parking lot" Margarita rushed out before dumping her shopping bags on me and Mary jay's hand.
The M&Ms immediately became best friends the first time they laid eyes upon each other.
Eniola came to my house with Mary jay who just had she moved to the states about 4 months ago.
Those two have been inseparable since then. That's why Enny named them M&Ms.
Margarita and Mary jay always causing trouble together and wanting to make me pull my hair out.
Today the two of them wanted to have a trip day to the mall and I was forced to go with them.
Enny, isn't around due to her trip to Paris for an well-known painter's Art show and the person was a really close colleague in college.
She'll be back by Friday and it's Tuesday, I miss her so damn much because I feel like I'm going to lose my mind if I keep babysitting the two M&Ms.
Margarita and Mary jay have been driving me crazy with their shopping making me carry the bags and pay for every single thing they chose.
It does make me feel happy and grateful because I never had younger siblings and it feels good to know that people depend and look up to you.
I'll do anything for the two M&Ms except let them get boyfriends.
By 4pm after 6 hours of nonstop shopping to countless stores. The girls said they were tired and wanted to go back home.
On our way outside, I came across an all too familiar face.
"Hello Felix, fancy meeting you here." James Kristos the dickhead who thought he could steal away my woman asked while scratching the stubble on his face.
His blue eyes wandered to Mary jay who stood by my side bopping her head to the music in her Airpods why typing really fast on phone.
"Who is this dark chocolate beauty?" I cringed at the way he addressed her like she's an object. Disgusting.
I get the vibe that James is a conqueror who fetishizes about women from every race on this planet and I think his latest prey is Mary jay.
That won't be happening over my dead body.
"Back off, She's 17 unless you want to catch a case don't even think about it" I growled at James who stood there smirking at Mary jay's
"Are you sure she's seventeen? Because she looks nothing like it" He said running those offensive beady eyes over her body.
I stood in front of Mary jay guarding her body from the fucking predator lustfully gazing down on her.
I turned around tapping Mary jay's shoulders, she looked up at me in confusion.
"What is it?" She asked scrunching her brows.
"Go wait by the car, Margarita will be there soon" Mary jay looked behind me frowning at James who still had a smug smile on his face.
"Oh okay. I'll be waiting then" I sent her a tight lipped smile before watching her walk away to the other direction of the mall.
I groaned inwardly turning my whole body back to face the complacent bastard once again.
"James, I really don't understand you. First, you covet my fiancée now her little cousin. What is wrong with you?"
"Nothing, I'm just an ordinary man loony for a little adventure." James answered with a nonchalant shrug.
"Well, I would like it if that adventure continues elsewhere. James, I'm warning you to stay away from my family in the nicest way and if you don't I'll be forced to use unorthodox alternatives." I threatened him openly and directly.
If this is what gets him away so be it.
Soon, Margarita walks out of the mall exit looking around.
I raised my hand waving at her until she noticed me.
Margarita ran up to where I stood clasping her arm around mine pulling me away from the shameless man I was seconds away from knocking his teeth out.
Men like James Kristos need to be rid of this earth. They prey on anything that walks, it's sickening.
I need to take extra careful precautions now that I see how much of a danger James is going to be. I won't let him get to my family not now or ever.

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