Chapter 32

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Gene Kelly - Singin' In The Rain

                      Eniola's POV"Kemi, what's my schedule for today?" I asked my assistant who followed behind me as we entered into my office

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                      Eniola's POV
"Kemi, what's my schedule for today?" I asked my assistant who followed behind me as we entered into my office.
"At 11:30 you have brunch with Mrs. Jenkins at Le District. She came to the last exhibition and has a proposal pertaining to one of your the portraits that was displayed during the show" I hummed in response while checking my daily emails.
Felix and I got back to the U.S. 4 days ago. My workload has increased immensely. I don't even have any free time for myself or fiancé.
Same goes for Felix, he's company just lost a major investor and it's pretty stressful time for him.
I just wish there was something I could do to help him.
"I forgot to congratulate you on your engagement" Kemi said jumping excitedly her enthusiasm is really contagious. I could help the wide smile that came across my face.
"Thank you, Kemi" She nodded her head to acknowledge my words then left my office.
I checked the time on my wristwatch and saw that I have an hour and the half left.
Taking off my jacket and draping in on the swivel chair.
I got to work replying to every single email that I had failed to respond.
Time Skip...
"Boss, it's time to go" Kemi enters the room ushering out of my chair and helping me put on my trench coat.
I exited my office passing through the gallery on the first floor and into the slightly crowded sidewalk of the street.
I jut my hand out waving for a cab or any form of transportation to get me there.
Time Skip...
"Good Morning Mrs. Jenkins I'm Eniola Oladipo from 'Gospel Thy Art' my assistance told me you wanted to meet with me" I said introducing myself to
"For a woman of your color, you're very beautiful" I almost cringed at her choice of words.
"Umm, thanks?" I didn't know how to reply to such a backhanded compliment.
'Don't take it personal. It just business, ignore it' I chanted in my head so I wouldn't lash out on the older woman.
"Please have a seat" She points to the chair adjacent to hers.
I sat down and calmly waited for her to say something.
"There was an intriguing painting I saw during the last exhibit from your gallery" Mrs. Jenkins pulled out a yellow envelope sliding it toward me.
I stare at it skeptically before picking it up. I opened the envelope and immediately disappointment filled in.
This painting is very dear to my art, I painted it in the memory of my father. I never wanted to showcase it but both my pestering assistants made out it up for display.
Taking me out of my reverie a familiar voice spoke.
"Hello Mother" James kisses the older woman's cheeks.
What? That's his Mum? They have different last names.
I peered up to see a smirking James who held a smug grin on his face staring me down like I'm some prey.
I couldn't mask up the annoyance in my face once I laid my eyes on this brute.
"You two know each other?" Mrs. Jenkins asked looking between her pompous son and I.
Unfortunately "Yes, two years ago in Greece I had to close up a deal for my late father that's when we met for the first time" I told her trying my hardest not to show the irritation in my tone.
"Mrs. Jenkins, I appreciate your offer but I sincerely apologize it's not for sale. I must take my leave now." I told her while standing up from the chair.
Feeling James's gaze on my made me very uncomfortable. He's a creep and I don't like being around him.
I quickly strutted out of the restaurant to the streets taking my phone out of my purse.
Unlocking the cellular device I searched for my second assistant's number one contact list before clicking call.
"Hey, Amir can you please get me two bento lunchboxes from the my favorite Japanese store. I'm surprising my future hubby with lunch" I told him feeling my cheeks widening thinking about seeing Felix for the 1st time this weeks since our mini vacation to Nigeria.
"Okay boss, on it. Do you want me to leave them in your office or bring it to you at the company?" Amir asked with expectancy in his tone.
"Please bring them to the company" I said while hailing for a cab until one stopped to let me in.
"Thank you, see you later" Then I hung up to answer the driver's questions for my destination.
I told the older gentleman the address to Felix's company then sat back gazing out the window at the skyscrapers that surrounded half of Manhattan's Financial District.
"You're not from here are you?" The driver suddenly asked.
"Pardon?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.
"I mean your accent, it's different and very beautiful if I must say" He said looking at me through the rear view mirror.
"Oh, thank you" I said appreciating his comment.
"Where you from?" The middle aged man with light brown eyes and salt-peppered hair asked another question in that curios head of his.
"Nigeria but I lived in the UK my whole life" To be polite I answered him.
"Wonderful. Do you miss it?" I nodded telling him yes.
Immensely but this my new home and I'm slowly adapting to the change of scenery.
Less than 15 minutes we reached the front of Felix's company.
"Here you go sir. Thank you for keeping me entwines with your questions" I said making us both laugh as I handed him a crisp $50.
I got out of the small yellow vehicle and entered the cool-aired establishment.
"Ms. Oladipo, your assistant dropped this off for me to give at your arrival and congratulations" I thanked the adorable young lady who couldn't be more than 22 and sent her a small wink.
"Thanks Jenna" I told her receiving the delicious smelling brown paper bag from her.
"Oh, it's you again" I heard a spiteful voice of a woman say behind me.
I turned around to see Pamela dressed provocatively almost similar to the first time I met her weeks ago.
I'm surprised she was allowed entrance into a professional establishment dressed like a cheap harlot?
"Hi there Ms..." I knew her name but she didn't need to know.
"Pamela Campbell, Felix's ex girlfriend but that will be changed soon" She said staring at me up and down with a distasteful look on her "beautifully" botched face.
Those lips are bothering me a lot. It looks like her bottom lip might fall off at any given moment.
I wanted to say something about it but it wasn't any of my business so I should keep my thoughts to myself.
Kind of reminds me of that Lip Service character in that one episode of SpongeBob SquarePants who fought Sandy.
Oh now I remember the episode name, Karate Island. Lip Service is the fish version of Pamela.
I almost burst out laughing at my silly thoughts instead I bit the insides of my cheeks to keep from snickering.
"Well, I just wanted to break something down. You are not Felix's type I am, you're just a phase a fetish to him. When it all fades away he'll come running back to where he belongs" I'm not surprised this kind of chick is a racist.
I mean she did mess around with his father there shouldn't be anything degrading or disgusting this trick hasn't done and said.
I scoffed at the audacity of this shameless tramp.
Our whole encounter was just so funny I had to laugh as I made my way into the elevator.
It's really tragic how she still think she has a chance with my man, while I'm still by his side!

It's really tragic how she still think she has a chance with my man, while I'm still by his side!

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Lip Service A.K.A Ms. Pamela 🤣😭

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