Wrong number

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Unknown: Jiggy are you coming over or not?
Y/n: uhh I would come over but this isn't Jiggy.
Unknown: quit playing get yo ass to my house nigga.
Y/n: I promise who evva you trying to get a hold of  this is not them.
Unknown: sorry he must have given me the wrong number.
Y/n: no problem but I have to go.
Unknown: bye nice talking to ya.

I walk in to the house after basketball practice so confused some poor soul just got the wrong number and texted my lame ass.  When I get in side I run up and call my bestfriends maegan. "Hey girl you won't believe what just happened some random ass number just texted me" I said laughing " did you get there name". "Hell naw but I got the friends name its jiggy or something" i said walking into my bathroom "who names there child jiggy" maegan says laughing "i don't know but i have to take a shower and then eat dinner talk to you later".

*Skip to dinner*
As I sit down at the table my dad asked me how my day was. "Good but basketball practice was so long today and im hungry and exhausted" I said looking down at my plate of food. As I started eating my phone just keeps going off. "Sorry I don't know why my phone is going off like this. But ahh what did you want to talk to me about?" I question as I turned my ringer off. "So honey my job is transferring me to dallas texas" he said "wait what the season just started dad and we have to move" tears forming in my eyes. "Omg all of my friends are here and its my senior year" I said getting up from the table "may I be excused im done eating" I said running up to my room" I slam my door and lay down on my bed and put a pillow to my face and scream. "Whyyy" I said in anger. I unlock my phone to see that this random number has texted me three times. I ignored them and just went to call maegan "maegan I have to move to Dallas Texas my dads getting transferred over there" (btw her dad is in the military) "no your lying y/n quite playing" she said sounding concerned "no we are leaving on Tuesday" I said tears running down my face. omg Im gonna miss her so much I though.

*Later that night*

Unknown: hey
Unknown: hope im not bothering you
Unknown: are you a boy or girl
*read at 7:30
Y/n: hi, your not bothering me and I'm a girl
Sent at 8:32
Read at 8:32
Unknown: well hey ma how you doing on this fine night.
Y/n: uhh ma? I could be an 80 year old man
Unknown: thats okay with me ma.
Y/n: you must be some type of pervert... gotta blast. 

*Later that night*
Its around 9:40 on a Friday night I just laid on my bed wondering how lonely I'm going to be in Texas with no friends and who knows if I'm going to be able to transfer to this basketball team at my new school. I mean I committed to Stanford for basketball so maybe they have to put me on the team. "My life sucks" I said as I turn to my side and scroll through Instagram.


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