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I decided to just wait till after practice to read the note. I walked in and went straight to the locker room to change for advanced strength training. I walk in and everyone is staring at me, i couldn't figure out why so i just went about my way and changed into some shorts and a sports bra and a shirt. Lily soon came in to change she was in regular strength training for volleyball. "Hey where were you during lunch i missed you" "oh i went home, but could you tell me why everyone is staring at me" "yeah everyone found out that you are famous, why didn't you tell me" "because I'm not, oh my this is going to be horrible". I walk out of the locker room and went to the gym. As Everyone started to make there way into the gym and soon i heard a the coach blow his whistle for us to start running. As I'm running all of these thoughts filled me head how did everyone find out, as I continued running I realized that all the girls were in regular strength training and i was in advanced with all of the boys. We make out way to the weight room (they have two) as im doing the work out for the day i see sean andres friend "he your sean right" i said walking up to him "uhh yeah whats up" "so do you know how every one figured out about the whole me famous thing" "oh yeah jabez posted you telling a joke on his snapchat stories" "he did what" i said nearly spitting out my water "yeah wait you didn't know" "no not at all how could he" i said running out of the weight room madder than i was when i woke up. I walk into the girls locker room and took a shower I realized in the middle of my shower that I had started to cry. "Why does this happen to me what the fuck man" I say hitting the wall in such frustration. I washed the tears off of my face and put my clothes for the day back on, i texted my coach I wasn't feeling good and lucky for me I had a free period for the last block of the day.

I storm out of the locker room with my head down so nobody would see how red my eyes were and know that i was crying. As i walked down the hallway i run into jabez "sorry" i said looking up "oh never mind i have to go" at that moment tears started to pouring out of my eyes and i couldn't stop it. When i tell you i ran i mean i ran to my car so fast i unlock my car throwing my back pack in the passenger seat and just start crying as my head rested on the stirring wheel. I pull my camera out and start to record "hey.... guys.... so i ummm" I couldn't even talk i just could stop crying. I soon hear the bell ring for everyone to go to there next class i dried my eyes and just turned the camera of "I thought it was going to be different here" i put my set belt on and drove home. when I pulled into the drive way i get a text.

Text messages between y/n and jabez

Jabez😩💞: are you okay

Y/n: 👌🏽

Jabez😩💞: and what does that mean lily told me you weren't feeling good.

Y/n: you tell me
Y/n: also leave me alone
Y/n: didn't know you talked to sluts like me

Jabez😩💞: what wrong with you ma??
Read at 3:12

I was just done with everything i get out the car walk into the house grabbed some reese's peanut butter cups out of the fridge king size and walked up stairs i finally got to my room closed my door and locked it i grabbed my laptop out of my backpack and fell on my bed I cuddled up next to my dog and started eating my candy and editing some more of my vlog that i had filmed today "Monday portion of my vlog done" i said aloud i soon realized that i put me crying in the vlog "oh well" i said laying down tears in my eyes once again.

After about an hour of watching the note book on Netflix i get a text from my dad that he was coming home tonight and to be safe. After that i got up and walked into the bathroom. I decided to take a shower in hopes to make me feel better, as the hot water ran over my skin my heart sunk and i i just felt so overwhelmed by everything and i could understand why. You know its bad when your taking a shower and you sink to the floor sitting there crying. I stayed like that till about 2 hours i got out and brushed my teeth and moisturized my face. I walked back in my room in my towel and just fell asleep on my bed.

*Tuesday morning*

I woke up in a panic "oh no no no no no" i said i then ran to the bathroom in the bath towel i had on from last night it was 8:40 and class started at 8:30. I looked in the mirror and i was pale and green in the face i didn't feel good nor did i look good, so i just walked by in my room and threw something together.

^i wore this with a messy bun^

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^i wore this with a messy bun^

I couldn't find my keys as I grabbed my back pack and phone "shit" i said looking for my keys then remembered that I left them in my pants from yesterday. As I pulled my keys out of the pocket the note from jabez fell out. I picked it up and ran to my car. I drove 45 mins to school and finally got there during lunch. Thats how late i was, I decided to just eat in my car and read the note.

The note

Dear y/n
I want to apologize for yesterday about London calling you a slut that was so uncalled for. I hope you forgive me and your not still mad at me because your very beautiful and i feel like I can relate to you on a different level. Im really happy that you moved here.

Love jabez.

I forgive him for the whole slut thing but it hurts me that he can't follow one thing i said. My words exactly "please don't show anyone please" so no i take it back I don't forgive him. I walk inside the school looking pale and green in the face late to gym "are you okay y/n" lily said walking up beside me "yeah i just woke up really late I'm not feeling to good" i said leaning against the locker. "We missed you at lunch" "oh sorry" i said, when lily was done we headed up stairs to the gym. When my coach saw me she made me sit out because thats how bad I looked.. I didn't even dress out. After PE was over i headed back home. A slept for the rest of the day.
Two hours later my dad comes home and sees im at home "y/n coach called me and told me you didn't look so well at school" i just turned around "oh my love bug why didn't you tell me you were feeling this bad" he said brushing the hair out of my face "I didn't want to worry you" i said sighing "well your staying home tomorrow no school"

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