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"I will go first" i said regretting those 4 little words "okay you bold truth or dare" don said "truth" "why did you move to Texas" "oh easy! So my dad is in the military and he got based down her to help train and hes the general so he had no choice so here I am" "well im glade he had to move down here" lily said make a heart with her hands" "haha okay truth or dare..... tommy" i said "dare nigga" "okay I dare you to give ya girl a lap dance" "oh hell naw wtf" we all busted out laughing" "fine i will do it". Tommy then proceeded to do it. After about 15 mins of us playing it was jabez turn. "Truth or dare jabez" Andre says "dare" as andre and don come up with something i hear them laugh "okay i dare you to kiss y/n on the lips" what no this can't be happening why would they do that. "No I'm not kissing him no offense" "damn jabez she turned you down" now i feel bad damn it "you can lick my toe its clean" i said laughing "aye thats even better" lily said "ahh fine" jabez leans over holding my foot and likes my big toes.

After a while we stoped playing and we where just watching the hate you give which by the way makes me ball my eyes out every time I watch it. Soon the movie ended and everyone left, "what a night" i said aloud. I walked up to my room and laid in my bed. I started to scroll through Instagram and see jabez posted a picture.


@jabezvill: I'll tell you when you tell me

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@jabezvill: I'll tell you when you tell me.
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@Jaevilla: somebody in they feelings
@imwoahjae: 🤰🤰🤰
@yeaadre: niggas in his feels
@jiggygreen: im here for yeah son
@villalobosjae: why are you so hot
@jabezvillll: i think he got a crush crush
@lillychua: ^lol same

I just decided to like it, what would i have said back that didn't look like i was flirting. After a while I decided that i was going to go to bed.

*next day* Saturday

I wake up at 7:30 so i could get to basketball practice at 8:30. I roll out of my bed and head to the bathroom when i was done i came out and put my spandex on and then my sweat pants on with some slides on a hoodie from my school i left for practice.
(Skipping what happened at practice because nothing happened) after practice was over i went home and took a shower. I soon was done and got dressed for the day.

^she wore this^ After getting dressed I edited my vlog and posted it after I didn't have anything else to do so I decided to go to the movies and watch 5 feet apart

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^she wore this^
After getting dressed I edited my vlog and posted it after I didn't have anything else to do so I decided to go to the movies and watch 5 feet apart. As I got to the movie theater I parked and got out of my car as I walked to the ticket booth I noticed a red car that looks like jabez, but i didnt put any thought into it. I waited in line and I got my ticket. As i walked in side i got in line and bought a large wild cherry slush and m&m. I gave them my ticket and headed to the movie theater. As i went in there was a couple sitting two rows down. sat in the very back row and then he movie started. As the movie was playing and I was sobbing my eyes out (literally me when i went and seen it) the couple two rows down from me where making out. I don't think they knew i was sitting in there, the movie soon ended and i was walking out when i hear a familiar voice yell my name. I turned around and saw jabez holding hands with this girl. "Ahh hey jabez" i said "hey what are you doing here" "same as you just watching a movie". "Wait what movie" "five feet apart it was so good but this couple in front of me kept making out it was weird". "Oh we went and seen it to" he said laughing "why are you laughing "because I'm pretty sure it was me and London kissing in front of you" "eww jabez" i said hitting him feelings a bit jealous "so who is that" "oh London come here. London this is y/n, y/n this is London" "nice to meet you London I'm new here" "okay and" she said with an attitude "did i say something wrong" i said confused "yeah your talking to my man" "we are not dating London" jabez said "ahh yeah we are you asked me out three months ago and now your hanging around this slut" she said rolling her eyes "okay well it was nice seeing you jabez and nice to meet you to London" i walked away but her word cut deep. I got to my car and i could feel tears running down my face "why am I crying" i said resting my head on the steering wheel "why didn't he tell me he had a girlfriend. Wait why didn't he stop her from calling me a slut" at this point i was just mad. I texted maegan to call me and headed home. "Do I have feelings for jabez?"

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