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Its now Monday and we have been packing all weekend maegan even came over to help. My dad already bought our new house in Texas but we are not selling this house because this is our home. We have our first flight out in the morning and our cars (my all black Jeep Wrangler and his Tesla) have already been shipped over to the new house which is supposedly bigger than the house we currently live in now.

*Later that night*
We eat take out pizza from pizza hut my favorite sense every thing is all packed up in the storage being shipped over to the new house. As my dad and I sit on the floor eating pizza I begain to think about my new life not in calabasis. " hey sweetie have you said good bye to maegan and your friends at school already" " yeah it was so emotional I cried the whole entire time at school today" "im sorry but they can for sure come and visit on breaks, and we will for sure be going up there for some vacations to" my dad said still eating. "Well im gonna get some rest before we head out to the air port in the morning" I said "dont forget that maegans and her mom will be picking us up in the morning at 3:00 am okay" he said giving me a hug "okay dad see you in the am" I said going up to my room "hey guys so its my last night in my LA home if you have been following my moving vlog, if any of you are new my my dad is in the military and he got transferred to the base in Texas so we have to move. Imma little sad but new experiences am I right" I said in to my vlog camera (I am a social media influencer with 5.6 million on youtube and 11 million on instagram) I ended my vlog and laid down on the floor and went to sleep.

*Next morning*
My alarm goes off at 2:30 and I'm already wearing my outfit to the air port I brush my teeth and fix my hair then I grab my backpack and head down stairs. I pull my vlog camera out "oh my im gonna miss this place my dad already took the dogs to the air port and im just waiting for my ride they should be here any moment" I here a honk out side " and theres my ride bye guys" as I walked out side maegan is sitting in the back seat I get in the back with her and hug her "hi mrs. Ong" "hi honey you have everything" "yeah"

*At the airport*
As we arrived at the air port my dads standing out side waiting for me. I get out of the car and so does maegan and her mom. I walk over to her mom and hug her "thanks for everything im going to miss you" "bye honey your welcome anytime" as I walked over to maegan we engulfed our self into a big hug "im going to miss you so much" I said as I started crying. "Im going to miss you more" "thats in possible because I wont have anybody there and you will have all of our friends here" I said after that we just hugged for like 15 minutes. We finally broke apart and I went over to my dad "bye maegan" "bye y/n" my dad put his arm around me and we headed in to our gate to load the plain. I got a window seat so I decided that I would film then edit my moving vlog so I could upload it when I was done. After about two hours of editing all of the footage I have so far I decided to post on Instagram


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Y/N: only been 3 hours and I already miss this hoe @maeganong
Hater1: what hoe
Nathaniel: wow we mill you y/n
Maeganong: ily come back soon
Supporter1: omg there friend ship goals
Supporter2: where is she going
Y/n: @supporter2 im moving to texas
Badzach: aye tell april im being good up here

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