My fault

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I just shook my head and closed my eyes, I hope im not sick on my birthday. I slept for the rest of the night in a dead sleep.

*wednesday morning*

My dad comes in my room to check on me because he was about to go to work. "Hey love bug how are you feeling" "stressed" i said aloud "well just sleep take your medicine and make sure you eat your soup down there." "Okay" I turned back around and went to sleep.

Jabez POV
I haven't seen y/n since Monday but she was mad at me so she wouldn't talk. Plus I ask lily where she was at and she just told me i was a dumb ass at to ask her myself, but y/n won't talk to me.

I walk into school and see no y/n "who are you looking for jabez" don says "ahh nobody" "sure your not, Im not fucking dumb man i know your looking for y/n but you messed up big time when you decided to post that video of her on your snapchat when she told us not to tell anyone" don said "omfg im so damn stupid I totally forgot she said that i have to apologize" "yeah go get ya girl jae" I ran straight to first hour because y/n always is there before everyone else, but before i could get to the class London stops me. "Hey jae baby what are you doing here so early uhh? Looking for me?" London said putting her hand in jabez hair "one stop and two hell no i don't like you and were not dating" jabez says taking her hand out of his hair "quit playin jabez" "no you quit playin I have to go" jabez say turning around and walking off "hmm go to your little slut" she yells "the only slut here is you" jabez say still walking away. Man I really feel bad I seriously didn't mean to hurt here feelings like that.

I went through the whole day of school and practice so mad at myself. "I seriously need to talk to her but shes not gonna anwser my calls or text so i have to do something" i said thinking aloud in my car. "Jabez grow some balls and go over to her house" I put the car in gear and start driving to her house thinking about all the thing that could happen.
I pull up to her house and see her dads home so i buzz at the gate "hello" a deep voice comes on over the intercom "this is jabez y/n friend" i said stumbling over some words "oh come right in" the gate opens and i park i get out if the car and head to the door before i could nock the door opens. "Hey jabez she right up stairs in her room she might be sleep though shes been sick so just be quite when you open it her door" her dad said "okay thank you sir" i head up the staircase and head down the hallway to her door as I approached it i started to hesitate i was literally so nervous. "Stop being a little bitch jabez" i say to myself, I slowly open the door to see her passing back and forth in her room "y/n are you okay?"


Sorry I haven't updated in a while I'm just really busy with school since I'm a senior this year so I don't have as much time right know but i will try to post as often as i can. Ohh and next chapter will be longer I promise.

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