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After scrolling through Instagram for the rest of the plane ride we finally arrived in Texas at 10:30 am. We get off the plane and head to baggage claim. "Hey guys so we finally made it to Texas just waiting for our bags at baggage claim but my dad went to get the dogs so I will get back to you when we get to the house."  After getting all of the bags and the dogs we head to a big car waiting for us out side we pack it up put it in the car and head to our new house. "Wow guys look at the new house" I said looking in to the camera "guys it the biggest freakin house in the neighborhood this is crazy" I said with a surprised look. We got out and took our things in side and see all of our stuff in boxes in the garage and our cars in the drive way. "Omg I missed you baby" I said running up to my car giving it a hug.

*later that day*
"So guys we made it to Texas and we are in our new house. Maybe I will do a house tour one day but my dad is just setting my bed up right now and im am jet leg to the extreme right now that its crazy to yeah." I said sitting in the living room because our couches were already in there and our tv was already mounted up for us. "The dogs love it here btw because our back yard is huge and I start school in two days guys but I get to meet the team tomorrow so wish me luck because I'm scared at shit to meet them.

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