You what

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Jabez POV
I left practice and went home i took a shower real quick and changed remembering that we were hanging at y/n house tonight. "Jabez Noel Villalobos get your ass down her now" i hear my mom yell "coming mom" i was trying to figure out what was happening before i got down there. "You want to tell me what been going on with you" "nothing mom" "really then why did your counselor email me today saying youve been having a rough time about your dad at home" "mom I haven't she's lying im fine" my mom ingulfs me into a big hug and i hug her back "jabez when your ready to talk about it im here for you she whispers in my ear" "okay I have to go im hanging out with some friends tonight bye" i had to get out I couldn't talk to my mom about my dad i mean he was never there for the important things he left her to take care of three children on her own. I know y/n said not to come in till after 8:30 but every time I see her she makes me happy and I definitely know i cant see the counselor anymore i said to my self driving to y/n house. When i get there i just pushed the buzzer and a man answered "hello how can i help you" "im y/n friend" "oh yes come on in doors unlocked". I pull into there drive way and walked in I can't believe she lives in this big ass house like damn ma. Her dad soon greeted me and took me to her room "hey love bug your friend is here" "okay dad" i hear "you can just wait in here man i trust you" he said closing the door . I just took a seat at her desk waiting for her to come out, as im waiting i see a bunch of pictures of her with her mom and dad "what a happy family man" i whispered sitting the photo down. Not 10 minutes later does y/n come out with a towel "omg jabez whats are you doing in here" "your dad let me in" "ahh okay just don't look" she grabbed her phone and lotion and went into the bathroom to change. When she came out i couldn't keep my eyes off of her "eyes up here" she said. Damn i got caught and she got The dimples and freckles how much cuter can one get. After that we headed down stairs and i got a text from my mom.


Mommy: hey sweaty just know that I'm here for you forever and when ever for what ever reason okay. I love you with all my heart and i don't want to see my baby sad.

Jabez: okay mom bye

End of message

I could say anymore but i felt the tears rushing to my eyes but i had to hold it back. As we made our way to the kitchen and I introduced my self and stuff idek what it was but something about seeing how much live y/n dad gave whitney made me sad and i could feel the tear coming back and I couldn't hold them back this time. "Hey wheres you bathroom at" "ahh down the hall to your right" i walk off and the tears start to poor down my face i get to the bathroom and locked it i just leaned against the sink and cried I couldn't stop. I texted don and asked him when he was getting to y/n house he said he was 15 mins away. I sat in the bathroom for the longest 15 mins crying, finally don knocked on the door and I unlocked it and walked in "whats wrong man" i tell him problems at home and with my dad and i just start to break down again and don walks up to me and just hugs me. finally i calm down and don walks out first, i wash my face off and dry it then walk out a little after him when i walked in the kitchen i got some food and just set there I didn't really say anything but I did see y/n look at me when I first walked in.

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