Im back baby

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Jabez POV
When y/n told me about londons post and I couldn't believe it this girl is so desperate for me she attacks a girl who has done nothing to her and that personally is just so disgusting. As y/n pulls it up and shows me I was at a loss for words, all I could do was look down at the floor. I ran my hands through my hair and looked at her "Im so sorry y/n" "you shouldn't be the one apologizing but thanks" she said clicking off of Instagram and walking to her bathroom. When closed the door I just sat there admiring all of the pictures in her room. The one that stood out the most was a picture of her mom and dad "wow she looks just like her mom" I said under my breath.

I clicked off of Instagram and walked over to my bathroom leaving jabez at my desk. As I closed the door to my bathroom I just leaned over the sink and looked into the mirror "did I just cry on jabez wtf is wrong with me" I said as I turned the water on to wash the tear stains off of my face. I dried my face off and opened the door, as I walked out I could see jabez was looking at the picture of my mom and dad. "What ya looking at there" walking towards him "ahh this picture of your family" "oh the good old days" i said picking the picture up "the good old days?" Jabez said confused "yeah I will tell you when you tell me why you where crying in the bathroom for an hour" i said plopping down on to my bed. Me and jabez at this point just watched Netflix till I fell asleep on my bed.

*next morning*

I wake up out of the best sleep I have had in the past three days felling like my best self so I hoped out of bed and took an shower. Has I sang in the shower I hoped out and got dressed for the day.

^I wore this^

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^I wore this^

I could look to good on a Thursday especially the day before my birthday my 18th birthday to be exact. After I got ready and packed my school and basketball bag I grabbed my camera and started my vlog "hey guys so today is Thursday and is actually the end of the vlog for this week since I'm making my birthday video separate so yeah" as I walk out my door and head down the stairs to the kitchen "hey dad, so I am feeling like 80 percent better today and im so not ready to head back to school but... I have to because my dad won't let me home school because I nEed To bE AroUnD pEOplE mY OwN AgE, but I call bull on that he just doesn't want me to have fun.

As I headed out of the house on my wag to school I pull in to the parking lot. I just sit there praying to myself  that I don't run into London because that the last thing I need on my plate today. I get out of my car and I decided to go in through different doors than usual so I could just head straight to class with out running into anybody but with my luck its the same door London uses. I stop for a moment astounded by the fact that I just could get away from her so I decided to kill her with kindness. "Look what the trash truck left behind" she said snarling at me. "I know right they did a pretty bad job taking all the trash with them have a great day though" the look on her face after thats was the face of a lost puppy and I enjoyed every bit of it. I made it to my first class to only see.......


Sorry again for not posting for like 2 months Ive actually been on vacation in Hawaii and wanted to enjoy my time while I was there but I should be posting more now :)

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