He forgot

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I walk in the classroom only to see Jabez scrubbing black ink off of my desk. "Whats going on" I say as Jabez jumps not knowing I was behind him. "Umm do you want the truth or do you want me to lie" he said looking back down at the desk. "The truth Jabez" "okay well I came in here to wait for you but when I came in snd say London right slut on your desk so I told her she needed to stop... and now I'm cleaning it up" as he continued to scrub the T off of the desk top. All I could do was stand there in shock why would he do this for me "your doing to much at least let me help gosh" as I take the paper towel out of his hand.the class was about to started and every body started to trickle in, of course London was the last person to class like always and of course she expects her work of art to be on my desk but when she walked it and seen there was nothing on my desk she was shook let me tell ya. "Welcome to class London" I said sitting back in my seat grinning from ear to ear. As the day went on all I could feel was Jabez burning a whole into the back of my head. But finally it was lunch time and we all know thats me time I try to escape lily and all of the boys in the hall as the started to walk into the cafeteria me sneaking away to my car. As I made in i set up my camera and start to talk "so everyone it is lunch time and I'm eating in my car again yes but I just needed to tell you whats going on today, so first I'm back back ya girl feels good and second I think I'm in love but like no big deal so imma just go." I ended the video and finished eating my lunch i went to my other periods and then basketball after school because unfortunately I have a home game tomorrow and I'm starting varsity.

*Next day*

I wake up and and I'm literally so excited its my 18th birthday and It sorta works out that I have a game today because for home games we always have to dress up in nice clothes. BeforeI can get out of bed my dad comes in to my room with a plate of waffles my favorite with a candle in it singing happy birthday. When he was done I blew the candle out and I could hear my phone blowing up. I reply to all of my text from my friends in cali and what not then get up to get ready. After I was done I decided to pick up lily and head to school but before I went we stoped and took a couple pictures for me to post on Instagram.

@Y/N: Thanks for all the birthday wishes, hopefully 18 treats me good :)

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@Y/N: Thanks for all the birthday wishes, hopefully 18 treats me good :)

@camerondallas: happy birthday I miss you
User2: omg happy birthday you so pretty
@Y/N: @user2 thank you beautiful
Maeganog: happy birthday bestie can't wait to see you❤️
Y/N: omg @maeganog I miss you
@Zachclayton: I bought a plan ticket to come see your game tonight don't tell April she gonna kill me.
@Y/N: your so stupid she definitely already knows lol
@user5: your a hoe
@user9: @user5 if you calling the birthday girl a hoe ya moms a hoe. PERODT.

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Me and lily get to school and head to our classes as I get into class i sit down and wait for class to start. "Hey Y/N" is all I get when Jabez walked through the door, hey Y/N I kept saying to my self wow he really forgot my birthday like that I said ferocious but im not letting him get in the way of my day or am I.

Hey Ma | JabezvillWhere stories live. Discover now